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Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Yourline Update
6/26/2008 11:19:51 PM

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It is not too late. Grab your time stamp. The number one person to opt in decided that he was really not all that interested. I am looking for the top three who opt in as a Gold. Why only 3? It is a quality control thing. I want to make sure that I give you all the attention that you deserve. When you are fully on your way and do not require my attention I will open it up to the next one on the waiting list. Opt in and get your time stamp now.


It is working

Hot NewsThis is really working.  Not for everybody, but for those who are signing in the Global Entrepreneur Program Ask Steve from California. Steve got his time stamp on 5/19/2008 7:52 PM  G.  The G indicates that Steve is a Global Entrepreneur.  Steve then sponsored Christine as a Global Entrepreneur.  Christine opted in and received a time stamp at 5/26/2008 8:56 PM  G.  Working directly with Christine we sponsored Chris in Washington at 5/26/2008 8:58 PM    G.  Two minutes later!  That is how quickly this can work folksFill out the form above and let's get started. 

Here is an update on Steve’s progress as of June 26, 2008.  He is very close to achieving the Director level in just over 30 days from opting in.  He will certainly make it by the end of June.  After 90 days of maintaining the Director position Steve will receive an  Advancement to Director Bonus of $500.00.  Steve does not plan on just maintaining his position.  He is working with his new members (he has picked up several over the past couple of weeks) helping them do the same thing that he is doing.

Chris and Noemi Metsch from the state of Washington just sponsored a new member last night June 25, 2008. 

If you would like to join in Steve’s group, be sure and put referred by Steve in the form above.  If you were directed here by somebody  else it is important that you include that in the referred by box.  We want to make sure that you get strategically sponsored in the group that you wish to be in.



Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team