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Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Kaleidoscope:
5/23/2008 2:32:44 PM
Hello Georgios :-)

I've said to myself: enough for today! Thou I'm so happy came in for a short while even if its just to find this!
EUROVISION is a very popular and wanted contest! Even if, I( think this years songs (based on the semifinals) were not quite the best I've heard! Even though I think Greece's song is a good one!

Thank you for choosing the Romanian song as a dedication to Joe :-) I'm sure he doesn't have too many opportunities to listen to our songs!

Tomorrow is going to be a wonderful evening in Belgrade!

Branka and Luka are quite there close to the fire!

Wish you all have a wonderful and pleasant evening.

With friendship,
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Kaleidoscope #7: Eurovision 2008
5/23/2008 2:55:39 PM
Dear Friends

Kaledoscope honors EUROPE. Come and joine us! André Claveau was a famus singer known even fronm the middle of the 40-ies.

1958 France

André Claveau

Dors, Mon Amour,
the French entry for the Eurovision Song Contest 1958, held in Hilversum, the Netherlands.

Les Cascades du Hérisson

Franche-Comté in Eastern France is a land of woods and water, lakes and gorges, valleys and plateaus. Nature is more unspoiled here than in any other region of France.

Happy week end

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Peter Fogel

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Re: Kaleidoscope #7: Eurovision 2008
5/23/2008 3:11:09 PM

Hi Georgios,

What a great idea!!!!! The Eurovision song Contest is a great tradition and Israel has been participating for many years. We even won twice if I'm not mistaken.

Greece also has had great songs over the years there and won a few times too.

Thanks for sharing this with all our friends many that aren't (or weren't) familiar with this famous contest.

BTW, the most famous winners of the Eurovision were ABBA and after their spectacular win they went on to be one of the most famous groups in the world.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Dimitra Bravou

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Re: Kaleidoscope #7: Eurovision 2008
5/23/2008 3:15:38 PM
Hello Georgios,

I like your idea. In fact, it was my thought to start something like this but I know you do greater work than me.

Last years I didn't follow Eurovision very much but this year I decided to hear all songs. I find some of them very good. I like tha ballad of Serbia, the song from Israel and Portugal and the Greek song of course! I hope we have a good luck with Kalomoira.

My husband doesn't like the modern version of Eurovision. He uses to say that songs of past years were better, like the one below from the Greek singer Vicky Leandros (although she sang this song on behalf of another country).

((youtube id="V0Ar-YiiPFs"))((/youtube))

I'm sure Branka and Luka will enjoy your forum.

Happy weekend to all.


Heidi Stern

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Re: Kaleidoscope: EUROVISON 2008
5/23/2008 3:41:56 PM

image013.jpg picture by Heidi14663

Thank you, very much, Georgios

Much luv to you and yours my friend.


image013.jpg picture by Heidi14663

Heidi Stern ~ Your Friend in Wellness