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Neil Sperling

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The Principle of Delayed Gratification
4/29/2008 10:40:55 AM
Delayed Gratification.

In todays fast paced world there is a need for mankind to once again pay attention to a principle of success that is often overlooked and misunderstood.  We want everything yesterday rather than today or tomorrow. We have slipped into the mind set of wanting things before we save for them. This over all mindset has created a huge burden on society. We are buying things on credit without thought. We look for immediate success from our business efforts, and if something does not work immediately we jump from one program to another, never getting the results possible from consistent effort.

The solution to this global mess, is much simpler than you may think. We need to once again plug into the principle of delayed gratification.

Delayed gratification is much like growing a garden. First the garden plot must be chosen so the right amount of sunlight will shine on the plants. The the soil has to be prepared for planting, the seeds carefully planted in the manner required for the type of seed. The proper amount of water must be given along with some basic fertilizer to feed the tiny seeds as they germinate and grow into healthy plants. Weeds must be kept under control and then we wait. Every crop takes time before we can harvest. Some plants grow quickly and we can harvest in just a few weeks or months where others such as the Teak Tree take 75 years or more before they can harvested.

Growing relationships for love or for business, gaining personal knowledge and skills as well as building your business venture, all  follow the same principle. We have to take into all the same steps as planting a garden.

For the purpose of the rest of this article lets look at just your business.

First we need to choose our garden plot. Our garden plot will be where we will place our marketing efforts to develop our business. Some of your plot will be on line communities and some may also have off line areas to market and build your business from. As with planting a garden, one has to be careful not to have too many garden plots to manage. If you spread you activities to too many places the weeds will crowd out your activities as there simply is only so many hours in a day and when the weeds start growing your business wont.

Second we need to prepare the soil. Develop both long term and short term action steps that will start your business growth.

Third we now kick in our advertising and marketing actions. Pay close attention to the results and gradually change your marketing strategies when needed. Learn better ad writing skills. Learn to use more technology where and when it fits your business and your plan. This is the fertilization to your garden.

Fourth we need to stop spending time where results are not bringing you business growth. This may be hard as it is so easy to play and do the things we enjoy doing. However if those actions do not add to your business growth they are wasting time and weeds are sure to choke out your business growth. This is the pulling weeds time.

Fifth - Water and fertilize as needed. Advertise, promote and explore new business generating tools. Be careful though, you do not want to spread yourself to thin and have too many activities on your plate. If you get so busy doing, the weeds and harmful insects will ruin your harvest even though your garden may be growing nicely. Care and attention needs to ALWAYS be part of the process right up to harvest.

Sixth - Wait. Watch. Monitor. This is a time to slow down and manage a little. Tighten up your advertising costs, both in time and money. Just remember, top heavy management always makes for less effective actions but too little management will result in crop failure.

Seventh - Begin the harvest process. Believe it or not, here to there is danger. Some times we have such a huge return from our business that we think we hit the jack pot and we spend our harvested returns without putting away for next years bad weather or crop failures. Also as we harvest we need to realize that harvest is the time to begin preparing the soil for next years crop. The world is in a constant state of change, and thus the type of crop we harvested and profited from this year may not be marketable next year. Also if we ruin the garden plot during harvest, next year will be a total flop.

All this takes time and effort. We must pay attention to the fact that gratification for a bountiful harvest takes time. There is always a delay between the idea, and actually living the dream. It is impossible to achieve instant gratification as is clearly seen from the seven steps above. We need to get back to the roots of life and practice the art of delayed gratification. No more spending before we save, no more program hopping and freebie mentality. The attitude of "I want it all now" has to stop.

Delayed gratification is the way life is!

Develop this principle into your your actions and daily life. Make it a part of your life and who you are. Then you will reap the harvest of your dreams.

Love Light and Laughter

Neil Sperling

See my Article on Hub Pages - Coaching Online One On One.
Jen Maxwell

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Re: The Principle of Delayed Gratification
4/29/2008 12:20:07 PM

Hi Neil,

How right you are!  Now, if only people would listen and
put this into practice.

Have a Milagro day my friend,


Award Winning System cancels mortgage and debt interest on steroids! Without paying more each month! "The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate
M. Thomas

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Re: The Principle of Delayed Gratification
4/29/2008 3:15:04 PM

How right you are!

Only a good coach would teach this.  As my coach says, it's better to pay the price right now than later.

M. Thomas., Shopping For Dollars LLC Independent OurGV Rewards Affiliate
Neil Sperling

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Re: The Principle of Delayed Gratification
4/29/2008 5:23:05 PM

Thanks so much for dropping in and taking the time to comment. You are a gem and a good friend!

Thanks for being YOU!

Love Light and Laughter!
Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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Re: The Principle of Delayed Gratification
4/29/2008 5:24:02 PM

I'm delighted you took the time to comment! I much appreciate your support and respect the time you took to share!
