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What Level Of Success Do You Want?
4/26/2008 8:59:55 AM

If there were ten levels of success and I were to ask you what level of success do you want, naturally, I would expect you to say, the 10th level of success, of course. 

The funny thing is people think the 10th level is up, but what if it was down. What if you succeeded in breaking all nine commandments and the tenth one is "thou shall not be greedy".  (While writing this the television has a film called "Little Nicky" showing.)

You see success can be achieved in all sorts of things. Its just that most people have a view of success which is peculiar to them and many think their greed is success. Unfortunately, greed is not success because a greedy person is never satisfied.

I think the 10th commandment is you shall not covet. In other words, you shall not be greedy.

The idea behind this is learn to be satisfied with you what you have. But then that can become boring, so we need to set goals to give us something to aim at doing in order to experience the thrill of success.

If we have a worthwhile goal then the level of success that we can achieve will take us to a level of experience that surpasses the thrill of accomplishment.

Beyond Success, now that is the level of success you want. But you just got to know how to get it. Might help if you know where to get it. For a limited time, if you really want to learn how to succeed click here.








