Thank you John & Pauline for all the work you put into this forum and award.
I’m a person who thinks, acts, and speaks from my heart. Let me tell you that my heart has been warmed greatly, firstly by being nominated, and then, most importantly being elected.
Without being too gushy, I thank you sincerely for this honour. It is extra special as it comes over the Christmas period which is a time of love and sharing. Thank you for voting me Person of the Week. It’s true, you do get a warm, cuddly feeling inside!
Well, here’s my bio.
As you know, I am English. I was born in Sittingbourne, Kent, the third child of four.
I won’t bore you with all the details, but I went to grammar school, worked in London for a while (to see the real world), before studying Religious Studies and Education for my Honours Degree. I then went on to do a PGCE in Religious Studies & English with option teaching children with Special Needs and became a secondary school teacher. I changed from teaching in school to being a prison tutor in an open prison and a ‘B’ category prison on the Isle of Sheppey. As my young family started to increase, I decided to do private tuition at home and I ran my own little craft business from home too, in Canterbury.
After 10 years in Canterbury we moved to France where I’ve been living for 12 years with my family of one husband, 7 children, 3 cats, a pony and a donkey. We actually came over with 5 children and added 2 more to the list.
We run gites here at our beautiful home (holiday accommodation for those who don't know the term).
You can take a look here:
I'm a teacher, writer, proofreader and translator.
I sing in a choir and participate in drama activities, writing, acting, producing, directing. I'm doing a genealogy diploma. I think it important to know where we came from and why we are like we are. It can give us an insight into the future and what way to go.
I'm a Reiki and am very interested in the angels and connecting with them.
In my spare time (which I have to create!), I'm building up an internet business.
You can see how far I’ve got on my writing site here:
I’ve still got a long way to go, but I’ve started. Writing is my passion.
Speaking of writing, here’s a little story I’d like to share with you.
The True Father Christmas
Just before Christmas, Demelza and Verity were making Christmas biscuits.
“I don’t believe in Father Christmas,” Demelza suddenly said, “The ones we’ve seen are just people disguised as him. They haven’t even got real beards.”
Verity thought for a while and then replied:
“But they try to look like the real one.”
“What real one? So you think there is a real one. Why don’t we see him?” asked Demelza.
“Perhaps he’s shy,” replied Verity.
The twins looked at each other and knew what the other was thinking. Mummy was working at her desk.
“Mummy, where does Father Christmas live?” they asked.
“In the middle of a snowy forest,” answered Mummy.
A few minutes later, the twins were on their way to the forest. It was not far from their home, but when they got to the forest edge it was beginning to get dark. Holding hands, they cautiously entered the forest. A deer ran out onto the track. They ran after it, but it was too fast for them. They stopped to look around them, and saw something shining amongst the trees. Slowly following a little track, they came to a clearing with a little wooden cabin in the middle.
“Father Christmas must live here,” declared Verity.
“Perhaps, but I think we should go home now. Mummy will be wondering where we are,” her sister answered.
“We’ve come here. I want to make sure that it is Father Christmas’s house. Let’s knock. We can run away if he’s not nice,” said Verity as she knocked on the door.
The door opened and there stood an old man, wearing a red sweater, and with a long, white beard. He looked just like Father Christmas and his beard was real. Demelza and Verity did not know what to say.
“Hello; we just wanted to say hello,” blurted out Verity.
“That’s nice,” said the old man, “I don’t usually get visitors. It’s very cold; come inside and warm yourselves by the fire.”
It was very cosy in the cabin, with a log fire burning. The children enjoyed a glass of juice and a cake.
“Where are all the presents?” asked Demelza.
“There aren’t any, but I prefer the presents you can’t see,” he answered.
“Invisible presents?” quizzed Verity.
“Yes, you can’t see them, but you can keep them forever and they won’t wear out or get broken.”
Verity and Demelza did not understand. “What presents can’t we see?”
“Well there’s warmth and friendship for a start,” said the old man.
“And I suppose you’ve got an invisible Christmas tree and decorations too,” said Demelza.
“Oh no,” said the man, “You look at trees and stars. Come with me.”
They followed him outside. He pointed at the fir trees around the cabin.
“Here are my Christmas trees and up there, in the sky, are my Christmas stars.”
“They’re real ones too,” whispered Verity to Demelza. The old man smiled to himself.
“Now, I think you two should go home before your mummy starts to worry about you,” he gently said, as he guided them back on the right track.
I’m going to stop my little story here and let you decide what Demelza and Verity asked Father Christmas for, that Christmas.
I will also ask for warmth and friendship this Christmas.
On that note, I will say that if I’m not on your friends list, please send me an invitation. Also, if you haven’t already done so, please visit my forums and I’d love you to contribute. Those who have visited my forums, you are always welcome back.
Here are the links to “Sarah’s Emporium” and “Biz ops to share and news”
Now for some fun. If I am Queen Sarah for the week, I need a fitting place to welcome you and to hold my celebration party. How about Buckingham Palace garden. I’m sure Queen Elizabeth won’t mind me borrowing her garden for a week!
Here I am waiting to welcome you to my Buckingham Palace garden party.

I now declare this garden party well and truly open.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to one and all.
Angel cuddles,
P.s. If you would like to discover the biz ops that I recommend, please pm me, look on my website: or in my forums. Here are the links again:
I highly recommend and where you will become part of a big, learning and earning family. You are cordially invited to visit and join me if you will. (You can find out more about them both in my Biz Ops forum.)
Now, let’s enjoy a cup of friendship together.

Folks, we forgot to mention that Sarah was also a recent winner of the the POTW award, that's the Photo of the Week.
If Sarah isn't on your friends list be sure to invite her and please take the time now to congratulate her on winning the Person of the Week award.
Sarah, we are happy for you sweet lady. Enjoy your much deserved week as our POTW and Queen of AdlandPro! ;-)
Love and blessings to all of you from,
John Sanchez and Pauline Raina
Folks, if you haven't voted for next week's POTW(number 127) you still can at:
If you haven't voted for the 20th Photo of the Week you still can at: