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Pauline Raina

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My Poetry Page No: 2 [DEVOTIONALS]
6/3/2007 4:49:27 AM

Todays Bible reading

Psalm 116

1 I love the LORD, for he heard my voice;
he heard my cry for mercy.

2 Because he turned his ear to me,
I will call on him as long as I live.

3 The cords of death entangled me,
the anguish of the grave [a] came upon me;
I was overcome by trouble and sorrow.

4 Then I called on the name of the LORD :
"O LORD, save me!"

5 The LORD is gracious and righteous;
our God is full of compassion.

6 The LORD protects the simplehearted;
when I was in great need, he saved me.

7 Be at rest once more, O my soul,
for the LORD has been good to you.

8 For you, O LORD, have delivered my soul from death,
my eyes from tears,
my feet from stumbling,

9 that I may walk before the LORD
in the land of the living.

10 I believed; therefore [b] I said,
"I am greatly afflicted."

11 And in my dismay I said,
"All men are liars."

12 How can I repay the LORD
for all his goodness to me?

13 I will lift up the cup of salvation
and call on the name of the LORD.

14 I will fulfill my vows to the LORD
in the presence of all his people.

15 Precious in the sight of the LORD
is the death of his saints.

16 O LORD, truly I am your servant;
I am your servant, the son of your maidservant [c] ;
you have freed me from my chains.

17 I will sacrifice a thank offering to you
and call on the name of the LORD.

18 I will fulfill my vows to the LORD
in the presence of all his people,

19 in the courts of the house of the LORD—
in your midst, O Jerusalem.
Praise the LORD. [d]


Exodus 31:1-3

1 Then the LORD said to Moses,

2 "See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah,

3and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts-

When God Calls

When God calls
we just have to go
for he gifts us with
all that we need to know.

Blessings of knowledge
understanding and compassion
to fulfill life's purpose
of telling the nation's!!

Spreading the good news,
of Jesus His Son,
His work on the Cross
so that we could be one/won!

Open your hearts
and open your minds,
is it his voice you hear
calling our name?

©Pauline Raina2009

God's Dwelling Place

In Heaven He dwells,
But looks to seek,
on earth below,
for hearts so meek,
A humble heart
Is where He dwells,
And pave's the way
Away from hell.
©Pauline Raina2008

There is but one ladder!

There is but one ladder to Heaven
The Cross,
That lifts us up high,
and shakes off the dust,
climb quickly my friend,
and enter the gate,
To a life thats eternal,
The path ways made straight.

This ladder to heaven
Has come with a price,
Of Jesus' blood,
amidst painful cries,
Oh Father, Oh God,
Let this cup pass from me!
Yet not my will be done,
Its my life thee to please.

And when it was done,
He gave up the ghost,
And let out a sigh,
And to heaven He rose.
Today we are blessed
for we are not lost,
There is but one ladder to Heaven
The Cross !


Answered prayers!

Many a time,
God has answered my prayers,
these are not just rhymes or lines
But the truth, I confess,

For He has made come to pass
all that I mostly asked,
out of my human spirit,
and from weakness of my heart.

And then I have found,
that it was not so good,
that I could have done without
all the mess and the moods;

I soon realized,
that only He knew best,
that the answered prayers,
were only to teach and to test;

So I finally learnt
to trust Him completely,
to teach me and lead me
in His truths so deeply.

The Peace that I now have
passes all understanding.
nothing or no one can take that away
for it is in Him I'm trusting!

Proverbs 2:3-5:
3 and if you call out for insight
and cry aloud for understanding,
4 and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for hidden treasure,
5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD
and find the knowledge of God.

He put a song in my heart

Even when my heart is sad
I sing this song to you
Sweet Jesus how I love you
with a heart so true.

I worship you in songs of praise
I want to do your will
let my heart be stayed on you
my eyes fixed on your hill.

Your Grace is all I ask
to take me through the day
may I always sing for you,
Oh Lord, come what may!

And after I have sung your praise
my heart feels light and free
free from all the snares of life
free so free indeed.

Thank you my sweet Lord
for giving me this song
I sing it all right back to you
'cos that where it belongs!
copyright2008Pauline Raina

My Prayer

God give me your Grace,
to go through each day,
to stay on the path
in spite clouds of grey.

May I not faint,
in pain or from grief,
that my heart feels now,
as in burden it sleeps.

Renew my faith
and keep me strong,
to take on the challenges,
to fight all the wrong.

Save me of concerns,
of what tomorrow might be,
give me enough light,
Lord,just today for to see.



If this world never gave me

A title or a reward,

Or called me by sweet names,

I’d never care at all.

For all it has to give

Comes to nothing at all,

And at the end of each day

You’re still left empty and lost.

I know that I am precious,

To the one who died for me

And gifted with a faith,

That’s really set me free,

Nothing that this world can give,

Could replace the love

That my Savior showed me

and set me high above.

And I know that I am special,

Cos’ he called me friend,

And it’s HIS hand that holds me

And takes me ‘round the bend.

I find I’m never wanting,

What this world has to give,

For in His love I’m made complete,

And blessed as long as I live.


Photo Title: The Tree of Life

© 2007 John R. Sanchez


Barren stands the land around us
But yet we have the tree,
Rooted secure in the rock below
A succour for you and me.

Though all around may wither and die
And rough edges bruise the heel
To those who take shelter under the tree of life
Will sure his blessings feel.

For there it stands for all to take,
Their refuge and delight
In all its power and awesomeness
That’s in the Tree of Life.

© 2007 Pauline Raina

Bible verse:

Genesis 2:9(Whole Chapter)
And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of

the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye

and good for food.

In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and

the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


A million sunrises though I see,

yet there is always one specially for me,

Each day holds a blessing,

that Im grateful for

and makes me want to know

my creator more,

I wonder at the way,

He holds everything in place,

the uniqueness in which,

He created the human race.

Each one so special,

and different from us all,

I wonder what life he had for us

before the happening of the fall.

He speaks to us so clearly,

through all that His hands have made

and gives us a glimpse of the paradise.

that is ours, since foundations laid.

And look what we've done

to mess it all up!

We've chopped down the trees,

and burned it all up!

the atmosphere is poisoned,

with things we should not breathe in,

and we've caused a big hole

to let radiation in !

We've twisted and bent

His rules for our lives,

and reversed every order,

that now plays havoc and brings strife

Our hearts made for love,

now houses hate,

and we are ready to draw knives,

at the slightest instigate,

Brother kills brother,

friend betrays friend,

Oh what is this world coming to,

when will it all end.

If I continue to go,

on and on with this trend,

my ranting will never stop,

I will be sad to no end.

So each morning when I wake up,

I run out to see,

the most awesome sunrise,

and it reassures me,

and I take heart,

for He tells me,

that all is not lost,

for I have one more day to see,

and to do what I must.

copyright2007 Pauline Raina


copyright2007 John R Sanchez

And as the light came forth
[title credit John R Sanchez]

Rays of hope burst into dawn,
Where there was darkness,
I see a beautiful morn,
Assuring me of hope,
And brightening my day,
Telling me I am loved,
come what may.
And as the light came forth,
I knew I was blessed
to witness this day,
And in HIS love to rest.
For with every new sunrise,
That I get to see,
I know Im so blessed
Just to be 'Me'
Im grateful for the things that are in my life,
For dear friends and family,
And the courage to strive.
And as the dawn grows brighter into day,
I feel HIS grace upon me all the way.
©2007 Pauline Raina

many blessing to you all

Pauline R



© Copyrighted 2007 John R. Sanchez

GLORIOUS SUNRISE[title credit John R Sanchez]

I look at the sky,

Theres this glorious sunrise,

The Master painter's hand

Paints me a picture

As only HE can !

And the beauty of it is astounding!

Excitement in my heart, surmounting!

Wondering what this new day will hold,

Will promises be kept, and dreams unfold?

I cant wait to see,

What this new day has for me,

But yet this I know,

Another awesome sunrise I'll see.

For there'll come a new day,

Its blessings will bring,

From the Master's hand,

And my heart will sing !

Pauline Raina




As I look back at my life,
and what you've brought me thru'
There lies no doubt, that it wasn't me,
But YOU that helped me thru'.

YOU gave me strength when I was weak,
and wisdom to carry on,
The gift of faith, that was mine to take,
To stand up and take the world on.

The courage I felt deep down in my heart,
I know you put it there,
How else a little weakling like me,
could fight for so much and dare.

And now when I see the things you're doing,
In my life this present day,
I know and I feel, what ever it is,
will be so good, more than I can say.

For you know that I love you above all else,
and to me your blessings you give.
more and above all Ive ever prayed and asked for,
to your glory, I this ,my life live!!!

Pauline Raina



photocopyright2007 John Sanchez TO VIEW MORE

The Hand of God

Do you see the hand of God,

Reaching out to you?

Reaching out in Love,

And in all concern for you.

Why wont you want to accept,

What he has to give,

When he has paid the final price,

For you and all to live.

Trust Him and take his hand,

And you will know no lack,

For He will march you forward,

There will be no looking back!

© 2007 Pauline Raina

Photo title SUMMER

copyright2007 JOHN SANCHEZ

[tosee more go to'FOTO FUN FORUM'



Lord help me love,
As You have loved me,
Not as this world has shown.
In selfishness it drowns each day
Its your love I need to show.

Help me love the weakest one,
One whose done me most wrong,
For what good is it to love someone,
who loves you back, and sings along.

Your Love so unconditional,
You love no matter what !
Let that love flow thru me Lord,
To touch the coldest heart.

That may they know the warmth
of that dwelling place,
That can be found only in You,
To rest in love and security,
That makes all things anew!

copyright2007PAULINE RAINA


Lets ponder a while & wonder at the cross,

At God's holy wisdom,

and how He planned to saved the lost!

What else do we see? Look carefully all,

It shows us to be obedient,

and stay faithful to your call.

You'll learn about sacrifice,

and unconditional love,

In Jesus our perfect example,

the Lamb that was sent from above.

What else do we learn,

from the brokeness of the Cross?

It teaches us to be humble,

in face of adversity & loss !

Trust & Faith do we also see,

displayed at the Cross so implicitly,

"Father forgive them" He said to them all,

in the face of death & the bitter gall,

Patience & love flowed mingling down,

as they pierced his side

And from that tree He hung !

Yet He did not even once rebuke,

the one's he called friends,

who now him forsook

So now we find ourselves at the foot of this Cross,

Where Jesus died, to save us all!!

Look and see we have it all!!!

Love, Trust, Faith, Humility, Sacrifice, & Power !

Yes the Cross gives us power,

The power to Bear,

The power to Live,

And the Power to share !!

©Pauline Raina 2007


In your presence

In the quietness of my soul I often go,
for I know you'll meet me there.
And teach me what I need to know,
you give me wisdom & love to share.

How I treasure these sacred moments,
when you reveal yourself,
For I know then that you love me,
and in your presence I revel !

Keep me ever wanting,
to be close to you,
Heaven forbid I go straying,
draw me back to you.

Pauline Raina


' A BE STILL' MOMENT [ Psalm 46:10 ]
This was written in Jan 07 while out on an outreach camp
up in the hills with lots of waterfalls and streams,
and I wrote this actually sitting on a boulder mid stream.
It was the most peaceful moment of my life,
and I hope to go back some day soon and spend
some quiet time again. :-)

As I sit upon this small rock,
right in the middle of this stream,
time stands still,
its as tho' in a dream.

The wonders of your creation,
brings me closer to you,
I feel your presence surround me,
and my heart opens up to you.

You, who just by your 'word'
said 'Let there be' and it 'was'
our human minds too limited,
to comprehend your worth !

Your perfection can be seen,
in all that is around us,
The stars, the moon, the sun,
the high mountains and the rivers!

And thru' the beauty of nature,
your awesomness is known,
from the smallest creatures crawling,
to the flowers of radiant colours shown!

You are God, and I your creation,
Im here to love you,
and to seek your blessings!



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I said a prayer for YOU
I said a prayer for you ,
cos I know you wanted me to.
I asked the Good Lord to keep you safe n strong,
to take away the pain of many a past wrong.

To make your heart feel love again,
and to know his sweet will,
For you are his precious creation,
and so HE says 'Be still.'

'Be still' He says, 'I know your heart'
I know you from within !
Trust me and I will show you,
many a secret thing.

I know that this prayer will be answered,
as sure as the rising sun,
and you will feel HIS presence
as you run life's be won!

Victory is yours for the keeping,
stumbling blocks, disappointments and all,
He caused them to fall on the sideway,
made straight the path of his call.

Be obedient to what He has called you,
my prayers go always with you
for in you my sweet friend I see JESUS
and God 's face smiling down at YOU !

Pauline R


Photo Title:Peaceful and Innocent

copyright2007 JOHN SANCHEZ


Speak to my heart Lord,
Open my eyes that I may see,
the path you want me to walk Lord,
the person you want me to be.

Nothing I want is for 'ME' Lord,
but just to bring glory to you,
Let my life so shine in you Lord,
Changing the old for the new.

Telling the world of your sweet LOVE
showing them that its a fact
from the things that you've done in my life Lord,
I forge ahead not looking back.

Now that Ive come to rest in your LOVE,
this world has no hold on me!
For from its deceptive bindings,
I've come thru victoriously!!

Pauline Raina



How can I not trust HIM
when He has shown He's mine,
by standing right beside me,
thru' troubled lonesome times.

He is mine and I am His,
No circumstances can distaught,
For with his blood he bought me,
and brought my sins to naught !

My soul to him belongs,
forever it will sing,
Of His Love and steadfastness
My Jesus Lord and King !

Pauline Raina
copyright 2007


myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
[this is now a song ]

There can be no crown of stars,
without a cross to bear,
there can be no salvation,
without faith love and prayer,

Look unto Jesus and you'll see
you'll see him waiting there,
waiting to receive you,
waiting to care.

Oh how we worry and we strive,
living a life that just passes by,
before its to late, come lets enter the gate,
and meet our Savior, face to face.

Pauline R

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for more on LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, etc; go here;

******************************** **********************

La Nell !

3647 Posts
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6/3/2007 10:58:36 AM
Hi Pauline, Your an Angel and this prayer is beautiful.  LaNell   
Perfect and Immortal

733 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
6/3/2007 11:12:57 AM
Thank you for expressing Gods LOVE,Pauline. "thank you,God" God is also our Mother,and our Father! since Love is his expressions, since all is created in perfection because God is perfect. Can god,who is perfect,create imperfection? the answer is NO. all that is created is perfect and immortal! smiling and laughing,thank you very much. alpha & omega, without beginning and ending, relaxing and healing, We never die, and we are never born, We have always existed! Johnny Chin copyright2007
Thank You,I Love You,I'm Sorry,Please Forgive Me. MILLIONAIRE GIVING OUT FREE $200 AT; their forum in 7 languages:
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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6/3/2007 11:47:35 AM
Hello Pauline,

This is a nice and organized post of your poems. It will be easier to find your poems now, Thank you for the invitation.
You found all the good Angels. I know one who was very bad. I don't see him up there and thats good.

Happy new month

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Judy Smith

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6/4/2007 7:05:19 AM

Hi Pauline,

Thanks for the invitation.  You have done an excellent job of showcasing your work.  What a nice job you have done.

Your poetry is aboslutely beautiful!!  Thanks you for sharing and I will revisit often.

Blessings, Pauline!

