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Peter Fogel

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - REPLY TO PHILOXENIA # 2
2/4/2009 8:59:40 AM

Hello Helen,

Thanks for the great explanation about your religious background. I've always respected all religions and nothing's changed in that regard. Every one has the right to practice any religion they believe in and I only have a problem with Islam cos they're taught that non believers should be killed.

I too thought you might be Jewish cos of your name but from your posts I soon understood that you weren't. But who cares about that?

Once again I thank you for your support and friendship.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Re: Human Shields In Gaza
2/4/2009 9:03:38 AM
Hi Peter, thanks for sharing. I'm normally a man of many words, but I only have one word to say to this: "Cowards!"
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
Geketa Holman

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - REPLY TO PHILOXENIA # 2
2/4/2009 9:56:35 AM
Hello Friends,

Helen, I too agree with your post and applaud your responses to the attacks made on the truth and this forum Kudos to you. I have always been curious about the Mennonites but never knew much about them thank you also for sharing that information. You have a very rich heritage.

Peter ,

Thank you for giving the full story on David Duke amazing how anyone could believe him or join in  such hatred. I knew about Joesphus and that he was not a credible source. I always felt him to be a traitor.

I would have posted earlier but I went to a wake for our friend we lost in the ice storm.

I find it odd that people who say they believe the bible have such a hard time understanding that Israel is G-d's little piece of real estate and he gave it to the Jews, a people he chose  for himself as his own. If you believe in G-d than you surely cannot fight him or his promises. If you are honestly a G-dly person than you should also know " HE" said to pray for peace in Jerusalem.

The land referred to in the bible as Canaan is the West Bank, western Jordan, southern and coastal Syria and Lebanon continuing up to the border of modern Turkey. Much more than they are claming today.  I believe that was what was promised if my research is correct

 The Israeli people have given and given land to the Palestinians and in return all they get is more war and more killing and still no peace. They gave them Gaza in hopes of having peace and in return they allowed  the terrorist Hamas to set up shop to bomb Israel . Does that look like they want peace, no it does not.

Shalom ,



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Peter Fogel

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza
2/4/2009 9:59:20 AM
Hello Friends,

I just read the latest posts in Philoxenia and for the first time in the past few days I had a good laugh. First of all (not the reason for the laughter) we already discussed here the Pleshet when I showed the origin of the name Palestine (see page 15 in this thread) so nothing new there.

In regard to his thread is Hebrew Greek or Greek Hebrew? All I can say who cares? In that thread the consensus was with all the participants (with all the sources) that Hebrew is not Greek but never mind Georgios has “proof” a book written by an Israeli author that mysteriously died. Yep, you guessed it another conspiracy.

Now what caused the laughter? A post made by Krystyna Dabrowski a known and proud antisemite that wrote and I quote:

I have heard that you are attacked by Peter Vogel, a special envoy of Shimon Peres to Adlandpro, on another forum for your posts. Don't worry. He is just on assignment. He has to say what he says".

If she only knew that President Shimon Peres and I are not on the same political wave length. I've already written about that in this thread and regardless of that I was and still am extremely proud of him about his speech in Davos. A job well done.

So, my friends if you didn't know for the past 3 years I've been an envoy/spy here in Adland. You are warned, be careful what you say to me. :)

In addition she also wrote (and this time I broke into hilarious laughter) the following: They ( Jews ) have all the "official" media in the world to their use, and nevertheless they access the internet that supposed to be free media to impose their censorship. I was also called "antisemite", but the word is always used when you don't agree with Jewish lies, so whoever is called an antisemite is actually telling the truth. It is as simple as this.  

Now you know that Israel has the official media on it's side. How funny is that?  If the media reported the truth then there would be no need for this thread. would there be? :)

Ok, all I can say is that I'm thankful that I haven't got supporters like my good friend Georgios has.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza
2/4/2009 11:01:26 AM

 Hello Friends,

I just read another post in Philoxenia and this time I have an announcement to make. I will not be replying to any more of the posts there. Enough is enough.  My good friend Georgios wrote the following:
Now more facts. This is OFFICIAL!
Jews were those who constructed the WWII. Jews where those who brought catastrophe over Europe. And Jew was the schitzophrenic European leadar who was responsible for the Crystal Night and what ever happened afterwards, what the Jews call it Holocaust. They are good to organize but so bad to clear after them. I will send a new Heracles to clean their stables.

Could it be Jews who also sent Jews to the crematoriums? YES, there is evidence on Jewish SS colaborators who helped the Germans. Today they go under alias names and they are 'don't touch, don't tell". Some of them made a fortune using their ethnics.

On a personal level what ever my good friend Geo writes from now on no longer interests me. He claims he's gonna clean up the Augean Stables and I recommend that he use his mythical character Hercules to clean up the pig  sty he's getting his "OFFICIAL" information from.

So my friends we'll just carry on with our posts on current events which was the reason this thread was started.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7