
Who is Sergey Lyangasov?

Sergey Lyangasov

Sergey Lyangasov
BirthdayTuesday, April 19, 1955
Member SinceSunday, September 5, 2004
Last ActivityMonday, February 20, 2012
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

Name of Firm:  Noncommercial partnership " Centre of technical arts and crafts " 

Name of Staff:  general director 

Profession:  Management, lecturer 

Date of Birth:  April 19, 1955 

Years with Firm/Entity:  5 years    Nationality:  Russian 

Membership in Professional Societies:  Professor International Academy of Internet Services and Sales, New-York, USA

Detailed Tasks Assigned: Information support of public organizations, business and bodies of local authorities (creation of WEB-sites in Internet). Employment of socially unprotected categories of the population. Assistance to public organizations in reception of grants. Certification of the regional educational centers for programs of remote training. Educational business. Organization and realization of WEB-Olympiads 

Key Qualifications:

2005/08 Festival of public associations in the All-Russia children's Centre "Orlyonok", a training business game " Children's joint-stock company "
Customer: Management on affairs of youth of Federal agency on education
2005/07 Summer exit school " Social computer science ", Odessa, Ukraine
Customer: Uprava Panfilovskogo r-na of Moscow
2005/05 The edition of a compact disc " Portrait Panfilovca ", devoted to a 60-anniversary of the Victory
Customer: Uprava Panfilovskogo r-na of Moscow
2005/02 Winter school " WEB-technology "
Customer: Uprava Panfilovskogo r-na of Moscow
2004/09 Exhibition " the Modern woman: a society, family, business "
Customer: Committee of public relations of the Government of Moscow
2004/07 Summer school " Social computer science "
Customer: Uprava Panfilovskogo r-na of Moscow
2004/06 The program " Computer literacy to veterans of war and work "
Customer: Committee of public relations of the Government of Moscow
2003/10 Exhibition of a complex of social sphere on the Frunze quay
Customer: Committee of public relations of the Government of Moscow
2003/05 Creation of the centre of public access " COMMUNICATION of GENERATIONS "
Customer: Uniform Information calculating Centre of district Zelenograd of Moscow
2003/04 The program " COMMUNICATION of GENERATIONS "
Customer: Committee of public relations of the Government of Moscow
2002/10 II WEB-Olympiad in Zelenograd
Customer: Prefecture of district Zelenograd of Moscow
2001-2005 Employment of teenagers on time employment
Customer: the Centre of employment of the population of district Zelenograd of Moscow
2001/06 I WEB-Olympiad in Zelenograd 
Customer: Prefecture of district Zelenograd of Moscow



09/81 - 10/84 Postgraduate study of Moscow Institute of electronic engineering  Moscow, Russia
Ph.D. in Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Structurally functional analysis of technical and economic parameters in electronic industry
09/76 - 06/78 Moscow state university      Moscow, Russia
MS in Applied mathematics

09/72 - 05/78 Supreme technical school of N.E.Bauman    Moscow, Russia
BS, MS in Computer Engineering       Moscow, Russia


Some of the 12+ journal and conference papers include:

" WEB- OlympIad on business - a new kind of intellectual competitions for students "
Development of city eyes of students. VI district scientific - practical conference of students and post-graduate students. Theses of reports. M.: Border, 2005, p. 56   
Employment Record:

01/03 - press General director NP " the Centre of technical arts and crafts ". Moscow, Russia
Development and realization of social projects. Creation of educational networks on the basis of new information and telecommunication technologies.

07/00 - 12/02 The executive director of Joint-Stock Company " ARMIR "   Moscow, Russia
Manual of repair and sales of computers

08/92 - 06/00 The general director of Joint-Stock Company " Discret-soft " Moscow, Russia
Management of the project of creation of a program complex on operation of business, creation of the program for calculation of credits of Savings bank of Russia

12/87 - 08/92 Senior lecturer MIEE (Technical University), faculty " Computer science and the software of computing systems "       Moscow, Russia
Lectures " Programming in language Pascal ", " Systems of an artificial intellect "

11/84 - 11/87 The senior teacher of Institute of improvement of professional skill of the Ministry of electronic industry         Moscow, Russia
Lectures " Dialogue computer complexes "

11/78 - 09/81 The engineer of scientific research institute "Centre of science" Zelenograd, Russia
Development of the software on planning 


English read and  translate with the dictionary

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Paul Davey - (11/13/2005 2:58:12 PM) : You are doing a great job
Andrew Dabrowsk - (11/2/2005 3:06:46 AM) : Sergiey is providing a great service. Highly recommended!!!
Kathy Hamilton - (10/1/2005 11:54:34 PM) : Hello, very interesting site,glad you are here,welcome to adland,kathy martin
Lee Talmadge - (8/4/2005 9:53:24 AM) : Hi Sergey,
Very Nice work on your website , Thank You for being a adland friend :-) I wish you best in your success
Sergio Musetti - (7/9/2005 2:00:46 AM) : Hi Sergey,

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Lydia Fokina - (1/13/2005 2:36:28 AM) : Modern and interesting informations!
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