
Who is Julia Youngblood?

Julia Youngblood

Julia Youngblood
BirthdayTuesday, May 06, 1947
Member SinceFriday, June 29, 2001
Last ActivityTuesday, August 26, 2008
LocationFlorence, Colorado, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

A few things about me...

1. My current occupation? Entreprenuer/Sales
2. Do I wish on stars? Absolutely!

3. If I were a crayon, what color would I be? Red!
4. Favorite drink? Raspberry Lemonaid

5. Favorite sport to watch? Ice Skating/Dance/Ballet
6. Have I ever dyed my hair? Never
7. Do I wear contacts or glasses? I have worn glasses since I was 8 years old

8. Pets? Been adopted by a most beautiful feral cat

9. Favorite month? May....Lots of celebrations!

10. Siblings? 2 brothers...Deceased

11. Favorite movie? A very difficult choice...Comedies always rate on top. Gotta love Wayne's World, Blue Collar Comedy, and old Lucy.

12. Favorite song? Again, very difficult to pick just one, but for starters, anything by Jim Croce, Frank Sinatra or Billie Holiday. Throw in some Waylon and Willie and some Van Halen...I'm in heaven!

13. Favorite day of the year? My birthday, of course!

14. How do I vent anger? Cuss, cry, write....and let it go!

15. My favorite toy as a child? A sawhorse and six guns because my favorite movie stars were Roy Rogers and Dale my taste has changed abit... Meryl Streep and Johnny Depp on top of that list

16. Fall or Spring? Spring

17. Hugs or kisses? Hugs

18. Cherry or Blueberry? Cherry

19. Living arrangements? By Myself

20. Children? Two boys (men) age 31 & 35

21. Favorite smell? An orange being peeled .

22. Am I religious? I am spiritual

23. Hobbies? Organic gardening, domestic arts

24. Favorite job? Food & Beverage manager for Best Western Inn of Florence (retired 2004)

25. What inspires you? My children

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Jack Sunshine - (2/25/2010 3:07:12 AM) : My Dear Friend, become a Sunshine Distributor and start you own at home jewelry business selling to, friends, neighbors and business associates.Also making parties at home, It's easy and it's fun to earn money as a Distributor. For Information CALL : 1-800-767-4469. ASK FOR.FOR A FREE CATALOG
Paul Falardeau - (12/12/2005 10:01:03 AM) : Julia,

Thank you so much for the great tips. What you suggested was actually my goal, but I guess it just didn't come across that way.

I will work on my writing skills, so hopefully my invitations will seem more personal. I certainly agree about building relationships. That's what it's all about.

I hope to share more ideas and tips with you very soon,

Have a great holiday season,

Paul Falardeau

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Tina B - (8/14/2005 9:16:36 AM) : Great friend! Very helpful and knows her ink!
Your friend,
Julia Youngblood - (8/14/2005 9:16:36 AM) : LOL!!! You are an absolute sweetheart! Thanks for the rating! Julia
Dave Young - (7/30/2005 9:19:57 PM) : Hello Julia,
I am either out of the office, or on another line, but if you would like we could make an appointment to get together for a coffee at your Thanks so much for being a friend and most important "The Ink Lady".

Your friend,

Dave Young in beautiful Vancouver Canada
Julia Youngblood - (7/30/2005 9:19:57 PM) :
Hey Dave...Guess I've been out of the office for awhile now....yeah a cup of coffee would go great right now! Talk at ya soon...Julia
Kathy Hamilton - (6/27/2005 8:23:29 PM) : Hello,so nice to be your new friend,great site,yes every one can use ink,kathy martin
The Cardioman James Kinney - (1/22/2005 12:56:23 PM) : Julia,
You may find it helpfull if you upload your picture.
Julia Youngblood - (1/22/2005 12:56:23 PM) : Thanks for the suggestion! I guess I'm gonna have to break down and get some pictures taken of me. I am usually a bit camera shy. In the meantime, I have uploaded one of my favorite mythical characters....the White Unicorn!

Don't forget me when you need ink cartridges, kits or any other periphials........go to:

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A fantastic day to you!

Julia Youngblood
