
Who is Corrisa Malone?

Corrisa Malone

Corrisa Malone
Member SinceTuesday, December 06, 2005
Last ActivitySunday, November 01, 2020
LocationRiverside, California, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

Hey there...Welcome to my page.

I am a southern California native who loves being outdoors...from the beaches to the mountains.

I have a beautiful pitbull/cocker spaniel mix pooch named Babie. Stay tuned for pics...

What Brought Me to This Point...

I've had SEVERAL businesses when I was a kid…from selling greeting cards (Remember Sunshine Sales Club?) to candy to upholstery repair (didn't get far with the last one!)

As I grew up that Entrepreneurial Bug just bit me a little harder.

My FIRST turning point...

I accomplished the American DREAM by becoming a home owner while still in my 20's.

And then...

I became a parent and eventually got 3 kids (ALL under the age of 7...what was I Thinking? LOL)...


I just had rescued from Foster Care (little did I know that later I would almost be the one that would need rescuing!)

Life WAS pretty good...


I was Laid off from the cup factory I had worked at for 81/2 years...with NO warning!

I had a home business but I was barely working it. (my Mistake!)

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> CLUE: If the Plan B is NOT producing enough income to cover living expenses...get a Plan C...which is HELP! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

Fast Forward...

I eventually pulled myself out of the dire position I was in. I had to. I didn't want to FAIL those kids - they had already been through enough.

I soon delved deeper into network marketing but I wasn't having the success I wanted.

Internet Marketing Saves the Day!

My mind was made up – I had to learn how to market and the Internet was to be my playground.


A-ha! Finally I had some success that I so desperately craved...but it wasn't enough...

<><><><><><<><><><><><><><><><> CLUE #2: If you want success, your mind will find ways that validate that you're HAVING success. If you have failure on your mind, your subconscious mind will point out ways you're a failure. TIP: Get success in something...NOW! <><><><><><<><><><><><><><><><>

Then I ran across some marketing materials by a man that totally changed how I viewed MARKETING...and People.

His words mesmerized me.

His style was so different than anything I have ever read.

Finally It Made Sense...

I was beginning to understand this whole Attraction Marketing formula...there IS a secret to it.

I was Done running between MAD and Frustrated.

I finally had more success than I thought possible.

But I'm not done yet...

There are people who Need to learn THIS...

No ONE else talks about it in this industry.

This story continues to be written :-)



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Jeffrey Struck - (7/28/2008 6:58:02 PM) : Excellant page set up Corrisa and you are involved with Multiple Streams of Income which is a good affiliate program. What else peeks your interest other than what is on your profile page?
I am going to place some links that I would like you to take your time on,at your pace and visit. Maybe one today,one tomorrow,or all when your up to it.
Get curious though Corrisa.
First kindly place this banner on one of your blogs for me since we will be networking together and send me some links to do likewise.

This first link is RED HOT and an event that surrounds it launches on 8/4/08 for 7 days only. If you have a product of your own worth at least $45 and want to donate it and benefit from this event,write me back this week at

Now here are the other links to view as you please.
and finally this one I am making great money from Corrisa.

Kindly get back to me soon Corrisa,and I like your profile photo too. Smile.
Jeffrey P Struck
Kathy Hamilton - (6/30/2008 12:01:53 PM) : Hello and welcome,
I am Kathy Hamilton the angel of Adlandpro.
This is how it is done, you just visit peoples profile, under the stats you go to vote or rateings and put a simple message into it welcoming or thanking them.
We are glad you are here.
Kathy Hamilton/simikathy
