


Winston Crichlow owns this group. Winston Crichlow

Association for Business Owners


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Association for Business Owners
Visibility: Public
Type: Advertising
Owner: Winston Crichlowowns this group. Winston Crichlow
Date Created: 2/24/2018
City: Bridgetown
Address: Peat Bay Rd.
Phone: 2462489923
Description: Hello Folks
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Here's a little background on why I am involved with Wealth Team International Association or WTIA as it's known. As you know, there's no shortage of programs popping up all the time. We get pitched on all kinds of programs, as I'm sure you do. Seems like it never ends, just one deal after another, after another, etc. Most of the time I delete the emails promoting the newest, latest, greatest deal to ever come along. I'll bet you do the same thing. For months now, Rick Mathews has been telling me what I was missing out on by not participating in WTIA. I said to myself, yeah,yeah, yeah. The reason why I ignored him, is that I wanted to stay focused on what I was doing, and not get distracted. That's understandable.
The problem is that the programs I was working left me, I did not leave them. Especially, the crypto-currency deals out there. ALL OF THEM! I'll wager that's happened to you as well. The time came when I was finally ready to listen. "There's got to be a reason why this Rick Mathews guy keeps popping up in our lives". So we took the plunge, called him, and he showed us via a screen share, what he had going on. Man, how could I have been so stupid to have not looked at WTIA sooner?
This video explains exactly why you need to do this …
You will SEE with your own eyes. This is the most important video you'll ever see! Member Associate Owners of WTIA 2.0 MUST see this for themselves and should SHARE with anyone and EVERYONE they interact with online!
But as they say, if you can’t beat em, why not join em?
For more information, please contact …
Reginald Crichlow

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