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Healthy Weight Loss & Income opportunity


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Healthy Weight Loss & Income opportunity
Visibility: Moderated
Type: Health & Wellness
Owner: Joann Smithowns this group. Joann Smith
Date Created: 1/7/2016
City: Somerset
Description: We have some amazing products, for now I'm introducing one Iaso Tea.
Iaso Tea It is essentially an herbal tea that contains 9 ingredients that work in synergy with each other to help cleanse your digestive tract. By drinking the tea twice every day, your body and digestive system can re-balance itself, by ridding itself of toxins, fats, parasites, and even worms. Weight loss, according to TLC, is the inevitable result of doing this, because it means your digestive tract is able to absorb proper nutrients.
What Is in the Tea?
Iaso Tea is often referred to as a ‘miracle tea’ that enables people to lose five pounds in just five days. It does this through nine different ingredients, which are:
1. Persimmon leaves, which are a natural cleanser that have been used in Chinese medicine for millennia. They are known to contain flavonoids, vitamin C, choline carotenoids, amino acids, rutin and tannins.
2. Marsh mallow, or Althaea officinalis, which is an anti-inflammatory that helps to improve overall health and lowers the risk of diseases.
3. Malva leaves, or Malva verticillata, which work in the same was as the marsh mallow.
4. Holy thistle, which was used in Europe during the Middle Ages to try and fight the plague. Today, scientists know that it cleanses the system by working as a diuretic.
5. Papaya leaves. These leaves have been part of ancient Polynesian medicine for thousands of years to improve the skin. It is also a diuretic.
6. Chamomile, which has been used to fight stomach cramps in many ancient cultures. Scientists have also discovered that it works to fight anxiety.
7. Ginger, which reduces stomach cramps and aids digestion. It also gives the tea a nice spicy edge.
8. Myrrh, which can kill various bacteria by working as an antiseptic. It is often used in dental offices as a rinse to get rid of oral bacteria.
9. Blessed thistle, which is a type of holy thistle and hence has the same benefits.
Checkout my website and start 2016 off right!

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