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Trevo Home Based Business


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Trevo Home Based Business
Visibility: Public
Type: Health & Wellness
Owner: Katongole Johnnyowns this group. Katongole Johnny
Date Created: 9/29/2014
City: Kampala
Address: World Wide
Phone: +256772644100
Description: A New Way of Doing Business

TrévoTM utilizes a powerful, yet simple, concept of business-building that shows you how to identify the types of people who will be attracted to your business and in what capacity. The obvious benefit of this type of knowledge is that, by identifying and understanding the type of people with whom you want to do business, you can actually hand-select the perfect business partners. Together, you can achieve long-term success in an amazingly short period of time by creating an organization of satisfied customers and passionate Life and Health Coach team members.

When you become a part of TrévoTM, you will discover your destiny as a global mover and shaker; someone who not only dramatically changes his own life but also the lives of those around him. Our goal is to empower you to become a successful home-based entrepreneur who enjoys the best of all worlds: a highly profitable global business paired with the time to enjoy the fruits of your success.

The next time you visit a Starbucks or Panera Bread, take a quick look around. If you see a bottle of TrévoTM sitting on a table surrounded by a group of people laughing and having fun, then you will begin to understand what we mean by a new way of doing business. TrévoTM is fun, it is empowering, and you will find that it is definitely profitable.

“Pitch The Pills And Experience The Power Of Wellness”

Take a result-oriented product that eliminates the need to take handfuls of pills and capsules every day. Add in an extremely generous compensation plan and an experience-based business system, and what you now have is absolutely no competition.

TrévoTM represents an exciting, dynamic business opportunity in the soon-to-be one trillion dollar health and wellness sector. By offering such a one-of-a-kind product, we have set our company apart from the crowd of competition.

Containing 174 of the very finest natural ingredients gathered from around the globe, TrévoTM gives your body the complete nutrition it requires while also creating amazing energy, enhancing your mental focus, and giving you a wonderful sense of well-being. And because it is a liquid, Trévo’sTM super-nutrition is utilized by your body almost 100%, compared to only a typical 10% to 20% absorption of pills.

Our manufacturers are world-class facilities that closely adhere to cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practice) safety and quality standards,

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