


Meryem Ablay owns this group. Meryem Ablay

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» Group Information

Visibility: Public
Type: Business
Owner: Meryem Ablayowns this group. Meryem Ablay
Date Created: 8/23/2012
City: Arnhem
Description: Are you looking for a New way to make money online? Then you are at the right place and the right time! Please take a minute to read the possibillities with this Global Entrepeneurial online money making machine of the 21st century, you won’t regret believe me….

•A Patent pending comp plan which is unseen before! This works, even without ever referring anyone!

•No products-selling-matrix or building downline!

•No Referrals required, you can earn even if you have NO referrals, but when you do refer it pays BIG, it easily pays you OVER 100-500 or evenThousend times EVERY MONTH !!!

•Global One/Ultimate Power Profits will go live with a (perfectly legit!) penny auction site by the end of August and will add new businesses to the company step by step. A real company with multiple Businesses under one Global One umbrella.
•100% of ALL members earn commissions and share in the Company Profits!

•Social Marketing is a GLOBAL Paradigm Shift in the way to do Business and Share in Profits
• By Joining you will also be a part of World’s largest Humanitarian Charity Organization ever. You don’t change only your life and that of your loved ones, but also of those less fortunate on this earth, by providing clean water, food and Electricity!

Registration is FREE, so what do you have to lose? Come on and join our Global team of Succes!

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