


Benjamin Edwards owns this group. Benjamin Edwards

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Visibility: Public
Type: Business
Owner: Benjamin Edwardsowns this group. Benjamin Edwards
Date Created: 7/29/2010
City: Bakersfield
Description: After consulting with the world’s leading compensation plan developers and studying the most successful plans in the industry … MyGlobalPayLine.Com™ is ready to take its well deserved place at the pinnacle of the home based / Internet marketing industry. No other “system” offers so much for so little or the kind of products the world has longed for. And no other plan offers such tremendous financial rewards with such low qualifications.

MyGlobalPayLine.Com™ has just leveled the playing field for anyone interested in making a serious living in the booming Internet / Home Based Business industry. We truly believe it's important for you and every member on your team to be able to cover your costs and earn a great income as fast as possible while creating a solid “long-term” monthly residual income without all the hoops & hassles, massive auto-ships, and unfair volume requirements common to this industry.

Here’s 7 reasons MyGlobalPayline.Com™ is growing so FAST..

1.It’s the ONLY straight-line system that's open for business in over 200 countries!
2. It’s the ONLY straight-line system that offers an optional Global $29 Affiliate Program!
3. It’s the ONLY straight-line system with "Personally Sponsored" Matching Bonuses!
4. It’s the ONLY straight-line system with Weekly Unlimited 8 Generation Fast Start Bonuses!
5. It's the ONLY straight-line system that pays through 10 generatons of monthly comissions.
6. It’s the ONLY straight-line system with Car / House Bonuses, as much as $20K a month or more!
7. It’s the ONLY straight-line system with the highest paying, most attainable monthly
revenue-sharing pools in the industry!

MyGlobalPayline.Com™ is a premium “state-of-the-art” breakthrough system that offers each of its members a genuine opportunity to achieve unprecedented entrepreneurial success and a chance to live life to the fullest.
You can get started for as little as $14 a month and you can begin earning money immediately as a MyGlobalPayline.Com™ Affiliate Member for just $29 a month. (See details and benefits of both memberships below) As a Silver, Gold or Platinum distributor you can tap into one of the most generous global pay plans in history and - earn money from eight different income streams.
MyGlobalPayline.Com™ offers you Weekly Unlimited Fast Start Bonuses through 8 Generations – an Industry first.

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For everyone worried about the economy !


9/15/2010 6:46:12 PM (5311 days ago), Christel E. Agnes wrote:
Customers & Milliondollar Earners already agree. FitnessMagic a Billion Dollar Product. Dail...
in For everyone worried about the economy ! in For everyone worried about the economy !
6/3/2010 7:32:14 PM (5415 days ago), Flash Smith wrote:
Display your web sites, Banners, send Solo Ads, and display a Text Ads to all who is Surfing. Y...
in I don't get Leads!! I get Sign ups! in For everyone worried about the economy !
5/27/2010 10:11:45 PM (5422 days ago), Christel E. Agnes wrote:
"Everybody stumbles across a golden opportunity at least once In a lifetime. Unfortunately most...
in For everyone worried about the economy ! in For everyone worried about the economy !