


Lukasz Paluch owns this group. Lukasz Paluch

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Make Life Magnificent (MLM) - New Generation of Network Marketing


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Make Life Magnificent (MLM) - New Generation of Network Marketing
Visibility: Public
Type: Business
Owner: Lukasz Paluchowns this group. Lukasz Paluch
Date Created: 7/15/2010
City: Zamość
Phone: +48600482489
Description: This Group is definitely NOT a place to advertise your Business, this is a MASTERMIND GROUP where we Exchange Tips and Ideas to help each other out in building our Respective Network Marketing Businesses.

- Share your challenges and you will receive help

- Ask questions and they will be answered

MLM is an incredible industry, but it has ONE VERY DISAPPOINTING FAILING.


Imagine an 8 month old baby left alone in the living room...No hope of survival.

If this speaks to you, then we can definitely help out. We commit that we will mentor you to become successful & profitable in this business. And we'll do it for FREE!

We'll train you to build it once and build it big in Network Marketing. We'll personally train you & ALL your people on the phone, live & interactive, 5 nights a week. You will learn EXACTLY, step-by-step, how to build a huge residual income.

Our conference calls NEVER mention a company name. We NEVER say a product name. We train you to NEVER close a sale. We train you to NEVER recruit. But you will learn how to build a huge residual income.

People tell us we're nuts to give this all away. Ah, well ... no one's perfect.

Mentoring For Free exists because to feel good, we need to help others be successful in MLM.

If we can do that, we'll be feeling GOOD.

Briefly, here's our MLM philosophy:

Absolutely don't sell.

Don't recruit.

Don't say ONE word to family & friends!

Build People. People will build your business.

That's what we've learned, and that's our advice to you. Look for someone who is looking for you. THEY will build your MLM business. Once you're rocking & rolling, THEN go back and pick up family & friends.

We've been mentoring ANYONE in Network Marketing for FREE for more years than we can remember.

We invest 7-10 hours a week teaching everybody - even our COMPETITORS - every secret we know.

The Heavy Hitters will tell you it's all crazy. But you know what?

We don't care. It makes us feel GOOD!

And you know what else?

From a strictly business point of view, it works. When we freely give everything we know, our business & income builds.

Above all, remember this: MLM is NOT a sales business. It is NOT a recruiting business. For long-term success, you should NEVER promote to friends & family.

So what should you do?

Build People. People will build your business.

This website is about you. And it's about people who inspire us, peopl...

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