
"Viral Marketing Millionaires"


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"Viral Marketing Millionaires"
Visibility: Public
Type: Advertising
Owner: Michael Jordanowns this group. Michael Jordan
Date Created: 2/27/2010
City: Sacramento
Description: There is enough information here to allow you to make an informed decision!
As seen on EzineArticles "Viral Marketing Millionaires" is the brain child of Michael "Ground" Jordan; and was formed to allow the individuals with the loudest mouth; the persons with the largest lists; the biggest database; the most contacts, to become this decades new Millionaires, using "Viral Marketing Millionaires" as their guide. This form of viral marketing IS NOT NEW, Face Book, Twitter, My Space, Plaxo, Linkedin and others have been capitalizing off YOU and YOUR CONTACTS since they started, who are the Advertisers paying, the Social Media sites or YOU? Now is the time to get in on this Multi-Billion Dollar (US$) bonanza, and it's 100% free, all you have to do is join a PBC/i5 network and invite your contacts to join your PBC/i5 network using YOUR unique URL. Oh! You think this won't be profitable? How many times did someone invite you to one of the many Social Network sites that you now belong to before you said yes? There are over one (1) billion users combined on all of the Social Networking sites with over 80 billion hits to Face Book alone, and NOT ONE of the users is getting paid; what will happen when people start to discover that they can join a network at 100% no cost, tell their contacts and view 5 to 10 ads per day at 20 seconds per ad and make .003 cents(US$)from EVERYONE who is in their PBC/i5 network? You say,.003 cents(US$)IS NOT any money, and YOU ARE RIGHT, now do this,(you invite 100 contacts to join your PBC/i5 network 10 say yes and those 10 get 5 each to say yes and they duplicate that for seven (7)levels, that is 156,000 people in your PBC/i5 network, now .003 cents(US$) x 156,000+ = per day x 30 days = x 12 months = YOU DO THE MATH)and the best thing is, YOUR CONTACTS are getting paid too, just like you. I join and did the math, and that is why, I wrote the Article on the subject "Viral Marketing Millionaires" Angel and I are poised to purchase a 6,000 sq. ft. new, built in 2009 home in a few months when escrow closes, and that is coming out of Chapter 7 in 2008. Now you know. ONLY 100% NO COST OPPORTUNITIES "that are global and can spread by word of mouth" QUALIFY TO BE LISTED or THOUGHT of for this group!!!

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