


David White


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David White owns this group. David White

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Creating Wealth through Organic Nutrition


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Visibility: Public
Type: Advertising
Owner: David Whiteowns this group. David White
Date Created: 1/11/2009
City: Mesa
Phone: 480-228-0715
Description: My name Is David White,
I market First to Market Products From Essante Worldwide. One of our amazing products called the Power-Pop, a weight loss and energy lollipop that has 2 U.S. Govt. patents and really works, We have over 18 people that have lost over 130 LBS by just sucking on 3 lollipops a day. The Power-Pop by its self has been on Extra TV 9 times. It has been featured in Star and US weekly Magazines, and Japan's version of Vogue Magazine. We have also been on many different TV News stations throughout the Midwest Texas and Arizona, all Positive Unsolicited Attention. It is just one of over 15 products geared for the Modern age of Health and Nutrition, and one of many Never Before, Never Duplicated Consumable Products developed.

TOP 10 Reasons and Benefits to Explore what OUT Great Network
Marketing Opportunity is about!
1. Stable; DEBT FREE; Cash Rich Company
2. Just under 4 Years Old.
3. Totally Unique One-of-a-Kind Products.
4. Products EveryBody NEEDS and Uses Daily.
5. Not a Trend or a Fad, We See Long Term.
6. Automated Marketing Technology Systems.
7. Generate an Immediate Income, paid weekly.
8. Committed to Associate Training & Success.
9. Work Part-Tim or Ful-Time from home.
10. Truly have FUN While you MAKE MONEY!!!

Power-Pops are just one of over 15 different products geared for todays Marketplace. All natural, with 3 Government Patents and really does work
Our Products are developed by the top development team in the U.S. who have also developed products for NewSkin, Arbon, Herbalife and a few more, with first rights to refusal. We have over 15 products so far for health and nutrition. Our goal is to have 200 to 300 hundred consumable products

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