
Safelist training


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Safelist training
Visibility: Moderated
Type: Business
Owner: Peter Van Nieuwenhovenowns this group. Peter Van Nieuwenhoven
Date Created: 10/19/2008
City: Ospel
Description: What is a Safe List?

A Safe List is an email mailing list that people join (of their own free will) which enables them to send email offers to all the other members in exchange for agreeing to receive email from those other members. So you get to mail, but you have to agree to receive mail too. And no one gets accused of spamming.

Some Safe Lists are free while others charge a small annual fee. Those that charge a fee often offer you the ability to send mail without having to receive any.

So how does this crazy arrangement work? Don't people just sign up with a Yahoo account and never read the mail in order to get to send mail? Used to be that way. It isn't that way any more.

Today, Safe Lists have grown up. It had to happen. After all, every advertising medium started out rough and then became more polished. Safe Lists have matured in three important ways.

1. In order to get people to actually read the mail that gets sent, smart Safe List operators now give away cash money every week. The trick is, they hide it in some random email. So in order to win the $1000, you've got to read the mail. This strategy alone has caused Safe Lists to become very appealing, since much more of the mail is now being read.

2. Safe Lists owners have instituted rules to stop people from ruining their list. By placing a limit on how often you post, banning attachments and more Safe List operators control their lists tightly.

3. Safe Lists have become web-based. This is the big one. You NEVER download some list, add them to your address book and send them via your email program. It's all on the web now and can be done in only a few minutes. And the mail is sent from their web server, not yours.

Are there different kinds of Safe Lists?

Yes, there are two different kinds of Safe Lists, and this is just another example of how Safe Lists have evolved over the years. The fist kind is your standard Safe List where to is no real incentive for members to read the emails they receive other than if a subject line catches their eye.

if you want to know more contact me here at Adlandpro.

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