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Jim Allen
If you post here without a profile with image your posts will be deleted. We all have opinions, occasionally we even have good ideas. So whatever you have a strong opinion on let us have a discussion. Please do not start new threads for an ad. They will be deleted. Please be aware that blatant advertising in conversation threads, will be deleted. Now let's try to be civil. If you can abide by these simple rules, WELCOME!..
1/8/2024 1:21:14 PM
John Priestley
This is a forum dedicated to sharing ideas and services to promote your opportunity that don't cost you anything - not a penny - zilch - the good, the bad and the ugly. Share and share alike... Please only post comments on really FREE products and services and then say why they are so good. Why should we use them? No pure advertising! It is best to submit your text in English so that the majority of the members can understand it. Have a grand day and write soon. Be safe and stay healthy.
1/29/2021 2:36:53 AM
Myrna Ferguson
Leaving the old ways, seeing the new.
4/15/2019 2:31:40 PM
Mohamed Hassan
My dear marketers, to get the most out of the forum, Create your own threads for your ads. Replies dilute the outcomes! We need to focus and concentrate. Let's do it!
2/16/2019 5:47:24 AM
Mohamed Hassan
What's the most suitable ways to start your career as an online marketer to avoid more struggles, wasting money and time!
1/31/2019 5:00:05 AM
Jim Allen
Start Your "Yes It Is Political" thread NOW. NO Ads Please as They will be Removed! "Yes It Is Political" is open to all with a political viewpoint they wish to share or discuss. It doesn't matter your persuasion or topic all are welcome to post new topic threads, politically motivated on ALL Topics. Feel Free to Share Your Viewpoints #YesItIsPolitical "Active Threads Will Be Featured * will appear in the Highlighted yellow threads at top of this board.
12/5/2018 3:18:37 PM
Diane Bjorling
Social means things to different people, this Adland forum is about discussing issues surrounding social media, social networking with some humor and inspiration thrown into the mix There is to be NO advertising on this forum, but if you have something to share that will help article or thought you have about social media, then I look forward to seeing it...
6/2/2017 5:32:30 PM
Vaurn James
The most effective method of operating a successful online business involves using Inbound Marketing where you produce quality content that addresses the interests/needs of your target market. Additionally, your content provides a solution to a problem; therefore, bringing value to the marketplace. Access platforms with advanced tools and content creation creation resources to educate yourself about the process and eliminate old methods (Outbound Marketing) that cost you Time and Money.
11/16/2016 8:47:43 PM
Alex Smith
Many forms of healing exist: faith healing, intercessory prayer, reiki, therapeutic touch, just to mention a few. The common denominator is that healing ‘energy’ is channelled via the healer into the body of the patient. It could be through nutrition or a sense of wellness. either way we need to take responsibility for our well being using our mind body and spirit
8/12/2016 2:50:49 PM
Lawrence Bergfeld
Today I listened to a great call with Bob and Anna Bassett. Anna mentioned about that Harvard University did a case study on students who wrote their goals versus those who did not write them down. The 3% of the ones that wrote it down became successful over the 20 year period and the other 97% that did not had floundered in life. Lawrence Bergfeld
9/9/2015 10:31:57 AM
Lawrence Bergfeld
Specialized Knowledge is acquiring knowledge from the person who is considered to be an authority. If one is here only to gain knowledge and not use it then he should go and watch television because he is a follower. But if one is here to do exactly what his mentor teaches and not reinvent the wheel, he has to then put what ever he had learned into a plan of action where he sets goals and meets the deadlines. If he does not meet the deadlines over and over again he is going to be a wandering .
4/22/2015 5:39:45 AM
Sudhanshu Pati
Hello AdlandPros, What is really the best way to generate Free Leads for your online networking? Does this a problem still unsolved? or its only few facing it? I have seen people generating 1000s of leads everyday. How does it really work? Which are the sites can produce leads for free? Where can we get real like minded people and approach them with our details? Your Views will be very much appreciate. Dr. Pati
8/30/2014 1:04:01 AM
Lawrence Bergfeld
The reason why pitching your deal is a big mistake is because it does not make you sound more intelligent than any other network marketer. It tells the prospect that you want to sell him something. If 95% of the population hates being sold, why be the person to be avoided like the plague. It makes no sense. Stop Pitching Your Deal!! Everybody knows a SYSTEM where they can train you for FREE to get all the traffic you need. Lawrence Bergfeld
7/22/2014 10:35:10 PM
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