Did you know SFI offers you lots of FREE ways to earn a great monthly income?
Everyone starts out as a Free Affiliate, but you can DOUBLE YOUR INCOME POTENTIAL by becoming an EXECUTIVE AFFILIATE...and it can still be FREE for YOU!
Here are several easy ways you can become an Executive Affiliate at no cost to yourself:
1. You can sell one subscription of the IAHBE (International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs)...just one! As long as that one person keeps their monthly subscription, you will meet your requirement for Executive Affiliate!
2. You can sell one bottle of Veriuni Advanced Liquid Nutrition every month, this contains hundreds of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in a delicious peach flavored juice, enough for 32 daily servings.
3. You can sell one subscription of VeryVIP SiteBuilder International Reseller's Package, as long as your one customer keeps their monthly subscription, you'll meet your EA requirement!
(IF YOU DON'T LIKE TO SELL, then you can purchase any of the above for yourself and that will guarantee your Executive Affiliate status! OR...you can join the EYE EARN option and buy the $20 logo for your car window, send a picture of it to SFI, and then start earning a portion of all Eye Earn income generated by everyone in the Eye Earn program! SFI offers you numerous options on how you can easily increase your income from home, without a huge effort!)
Become a FREE affiliate today, complete the registration, choose your focus program and get started! SFI has many banners, pre-written ads, and professional sites that will all help you start earning more for FREE!!