
Sharon Lee

6727 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
3/31/2008 4:02:25 PM

Are You Ready To Start making money on the internet,where it is free to register and you can get paid for every live web event you watch?

Who Isn't!

FREE To Join-FREE To Watch- FREE to WIN!

Please click the banner to see this Amazing Business!!


Every Month I will refund one member ($49.95) who upgrades to Ad Executive in the Win Network and is attending at least 4 Events a month. This is how it works.................

1-Join Win through this link. (You must be in JerkyHills downline to qualify for the drawing)

Free to join-Free to watch- Free to win!

Please click the banner to see this Amazing Business!!

2-Watch the recorded Win wealth 101 meeting to understand how you can make money with Win. (Click on your "Home" link and then click the "Wealth 101" banner for immediate access to the information.

This is all FREE to join and watch and make up your mind..

The wealth 101 meeting is where all the answers to your questions about the WIN Network can be found. So we ask you to attend at least one wealth 101 meeting to understand this exciting opportunity before you start attending other WIN Network meetings.
You have two ways to view the wealth 101 meeting.
You can click the WEALTH 101 ON DEMAND button and immediately watch streaming video of a pre recorded wealth 101 meeting.
This pre-recorded wealth 101 meeting will help you understand the WIN Network as others ask questions and get answers.
Viewing the pre-recorded wealth 101 meeting immediately will allow you to start making money with the WIN Network today and take advantage of any specials that may be time sensitive.

3-Upgrade to Ad Executive with a ONE TIME payment. Email me to confirm your upgrade. Place in header "WIN DRAWING"

4-Watch 4 or more events in your first Month and let me know which ones you have attended. You will then be placed in the drawing pool for the refund.

(Refunds are $49.95 and can be paid by Paypal or mailed check to you..;-)
You do not need to upgrade right away. You can join always for free and take your time to upgrade as you become familiar with the win network. But Please email me at and let me know that you are in so I can add you to our list.

Team Work,,,Just Works!!

This is a Team Build Started in Adlandpro!!!
We have extended beyond Adlandpro and are in hundreds of communities, Blog spots, Safemailers and Lots of Land Marketing. There are SOoooo Many ways to market your Simple Business. (just ask Patricia Bartch,,She has a Great list!)
All you need is $12.00 to start with and in a few short month's,, Your $12.00 fee will be covered. From There,,,Its a simple free business that also rewards you with products every month at NO Additional cost to you.
How easy is that!!!!!!
And we make it even easier!!!
We ARE A Team that Won't quit and we are all dedicated to help everyone succeed.
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Sharon Lee

6727 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
4/1/2008 4:51:10 PM

Are You Ready To Start making money on the internet,where it is free to register and you can get paid for every live web event you watch?

Who Isn't!

Free to join-Free to watch- Free to win!

Please click the banner to see this Amazing Business!!


Every Month I will refund one member ($49.95) who upgrades to Ad Executive in the Win Network and is attending at least 4 Events a month. This is how it works.................

1-Join Win through this link. (You must be in JerkyHills downline to qualify for the drawing)

Free to join-Free to watch- Free to win!

Please click the banner to see this Amazing Business!!

2-Watch the recorded Win wealth 101 meeting to understand how you can make money with Win. (Click on your "Home" link and then click the "Wealth 101" banner for immediate access to the information.

This is all FREE to join and watch and make up your mind..

The wealth 101 meeting is where all the answers to your questions about the WIN Network can be found. So we ask you to attend at least one wealth 101 meeting to understand this exciting opportunity before you start attending other WIN Network meetings.
You have two ways to view the wealth 101 meeting.
You can click the WEALTH 101 ON DEMAND button and immediately watch streaming video of a pre recorded wealth 101 meeting.
This pre-recorded wealth 101 meeting will help you understand the WIN Network as others ask questions and get answers.
Viewing the pre-recorded wealth 101 meeting immediately will allow you to start making money with the WIN Network today and take advantage of any specials that may be time sensitive.

3-Upgrade to Ad Executive with a ONE TIME payment. Email me to confirm your upgrade. Place in header "WIN DRAWING"

4-Watch 4 or more events in your first Month and let me know which ones you have attended. You will then be placed in the drawing pool for the refund.

(Refunds are $49.95 and can be paid by Paypal or mailed check to you..;-)
You do not need to upgrade right away. You can join always for free and take your time to upgrade as you become familiar with the win network. But Please email me at and let me know that you are in so I can add you to our list.

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