
3/28/2008 3:05:07 PM
I want to share with you my personal experience...

Stability! Prosperity! Comfort! These are all things I was looking for 9 months ago. I had never found them working in any of the previous jobs I had ever had.

Then I found THIS team -- Work At Home United!! I was still super skeptical but I knew deep down that if I didn't change SOMETHING I would never have a stable income, be prosperous or be comfortable in what I was doing.  

So I did it-- I took the leap of faith & I am so darn glad I did... WHY you ask??

When I found this team I found of group of business-minded moms & dads willing to support & train me to work at home the way I WANTED TO! I found a REAL business with REAL PEOPLE that provided everything I was looking for...

I found out I CAN work at home (even in my pj's) , I did NOT have to sell anything, stock any inventory, NO taking orders, making deliveries or collecting money. 

Just a simple system, a stable company with an impeccable track record, in fact record setting growth, I saw other people achieving the financial success I wanted-- people just like me! And I found a team I could join where I fit in, I was comfortable with what I was doing! Proud even, to tell people what I do:)

What have I accomplished?? Well like I said I jumped in, started working this business part-time (along side my then full-time job, 2 teenager daughters & husband working full-time) and after the 1st 9 months I was able to decrease my full-time job to part-time and my business to full-time.

What are you looking for?? What can you accomplish?? 

Work At Home United can show you the answers to those questions-- we have something for everyone...

  • Personalized Website
  • Free Training
  • Business Mentoring
  • Have a Flexible Schedule
  • Create A Lasting Monthly Income

Work At Home United = Stability, Prosperity, Comfort

Work At Home United = YOU!!

YOUR Life, YOUR Dreams, YOUR Business

Email me right away at include a current phone number and let me know when is the best time for us to chat & get you ALL the REAL INFO from REAL PEOPLE!

Get all the details TODAY

Get back to me right away-- my schedule is filling up FAST-- we have great Promotions that you can double or triple your income in bonuses!! DON'T DELAY ~ MAKE A CHANGE TODAY!

Building My Tomorrow, TODAY!
Angie Sapp
Personal Mentor & Support Team Member 

"Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" Heb 11:1

"Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work." H.L. Hunt

New Reply
3/29/2008 1:48:44 AM
This business sounds very interesting.  I am so happy and pleased with what I am doing.  We are finally doing well.  This business did catch my eye.  I want to know how different it is from what I am doing and I want to know what one must do to make this business work.  What is the product?  What are you selling?  The web link told me nothing.  I really do not like giving my phone number out anylonger.  Please get back with me through mail.
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