Think about how many people you meet over the course of a day, week, month, year, and lifetime? It is staggering because most of us interact with new people each and every day. But how many of these people actually become a part of your inner circle or network? Not many.
For some of us, we choose which people to integrate into our respective networks. For others, you may just have a difficult time connecting with people. It is a time commitment and challenging process sometimes to build and maintain relationships.
You need to be yourself when meeting people. If you are fake or don’t care, then it will come across in any conversation. A genuine person also tries to help others, which is very important for building valuable and sustainable relationships. Go out of your way to help others and to take an interest in other people.
As long as you are a good person, just be yourself. Maintain your composure and you will be able to build wonderful relationships. Don’t force yourself or your product/service on people. Get to know people and let them get to know you before anything is pitched.
With a genuine composure, your network will sky rocket, which can ultimately generate some new business.
If you are interested in networking with other business entrepreneurs. Join us, pull up a chair, have a cup of coffee and Chat. It's not just who you know. It's also who they know, and what they know. Join Today(Free)