Remember tonight is the conference call night!
9 pm eastern time 1-319-279-1000 pincode 1055075#
If you're seriously considering joining Lotto Magic, consider this: Lots of people join after they hear the opportunity explained on the conference call! As a member, all you'd need to do is tell people to call in and listen, and then sign up! Tell them to bookmark your website and read thru it so they can join right away. Here are my sites, join as a Team Captain so you can earn 5 levels of monthly recurring commissions PLUS 50% of your own ticket winnings AND 10% of all winning tickets from your entire downline!
(Pssst! Don't join as a Player, you'll only get 10% of your own winning ticket and you can't earn commissions as a Player. 2 of my downliners had winning tickets earlier this month and they could have had 50% of those winnings if they had been CAPTAINS! So join as a TEAM CAPTAIN so you won't forfeit a large amount of your own winnings!