
I finally got into a real paying program
3/23/2008 12:22:04 AM

I don't normally do much network marketing, but this program is the absolute best I've ever seen. I have not sponsored anyone yet and today I received my first check. I am definately part of a winning team on this one and my checks will only continue to get bigger because of my upline. Vist the website below to learn more, then contact me either through the website below or by a personal message at adlandpro to set up an interview and see if you would be a good fit for my team. I am looking now to work with about five people and two of those spots may be filled within the next 48 hours; so you need to hurry and see if this is right for you. I am looking for top network marketers, but even if you have no experience, you might be able to get on my team. All you have to do is be coachable and treat this like a business. I and your upline will do everything we can to help you, because we only succeed if you do. One marketer became successful at this business and he lived in a small town, had no phone, no computer, and no experience. If people like that can succeed at this, and if I can draw a check with absolutely no personal sales; then almost anyone should be able to succeed with this business as long as that person works at growing his or her business by taking the correct action.

This business is not for everyone. Only those who want to make money and are willing to do the work required should apply. I talked with a person the other day whom I will not put on my team. He could really benefit from the product and the business, but he just doesn't have the drive to follow through on even the basic things he wants to do in his own life. He is always making excuses for why he can't get things done. This is not the right mindset to have if you are going to be successful no matter what you do. He used to tell me how he makes suggestions at work, but nobody thinks his ideas are good until someone else presents them. I wondered why at the time, but now I understand that some people cannot communicate well, and for their own personal reasons, are too stuborn to change actions that are ineffective to actions that are effective. 

Robert Witty
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