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It's Time To Vote For The 28th PHOTO OF THE WEEK
3/21/2008 6:14:52 AM


Time to Congratulate the Winner of the

27th Photo of the WEEK!

Vote for the 28th Week's Contestants


Nominate Your Picture of the Week Here! 


Now we would like to Present the WINNER of the 27th Photo of the Week!

Congratulations Goes TO:


Andrew Birse

Winning Picture 





Hello Everyone! 

The Nominations forum for the:
  Photo of the Week Contest! Is Located Here ------>>> 

When we get enough nominations we will announce it and use
those nominations for the new poll. 

Any nominations received after that will be used for the
preceding poll and so on. 

This will be the only nominations forum. 

This will be conducted similar to the other POTW program
(Person of the Week).

Please make your nominations in this fashion:

And if possible the actual photo (if you don't know how to
paste a photo we understand). 

 (note: You must OWN the Photo you Nominate)

Photo by: Pauline Raina 

Link to the Photo: 

Photo Title: 

Sunset At River Kwai!!!

This Weeks Contestants are as follows:


11. Photo title: Mmmmm...
      Photo by: Adelina Ghita
      Photo Link:


2. Photo title: The Big Kiss
     Photo by: 
Gunther G
     Photo Link:

The Big Kiss

3. Photo title:  Bedroom With A View
    Photo by: 
Jennie Dal Bello





Bedroom With A View

 4. Photo title: I've heard of a pelican crossing, but not a    pelican queue!

   Photo by: Sarah Pritchard

    Photo Link: 

I've Heard  Of A Pelican Crossing; But Not A

Pelican Que

5. Photo title:  Can You Play?
    Photo by: 
Valerie Clavin
    Photo Link: 


Can You Play?




All photos in this forum are sole property of the

Folks, please be sure to provide the link to the location of the photo.

Rules (Some new):

1. (Updated 9-21-07) Only the photographer can nominate his or her photo. We've had problems with photos getting nominated that don't even belong to the person who has it in their gallery. We only want the photographer nominating
their own photos because we don't want legal problems in case someone was to win who didn't own the photo nominated.

The person who nominates their photo must attest to being the owner of the photo.

2. Photo must be posted here at AdlandPro's Gallery.

3. Photo should appropriate for the contest, no objectible material.

4. You can nominate a photo from a previous week if it didn't win. We want to give everyone a chance to win.

5. You can only make one nomination per week.


The winner of the Photo of the Week contest will have their photo displayed some where at AdlandPro, probably at the photo gallery.

Thank you folks for your participation in this contest!

Your support is greatly appreciated!

Love and blessings from,

Peter, Jim and Ana Maria


The Photo of the Week Team

Peter, Jim and Ana Maria 

POTW Awards Team



Please Vote For The 28th Photo Of The Week
Mmmmm... - (0)
The Big Kiss - (6)
Bedroom With A View - (12)
But Not A Pelican Queue! - (4)
Can You Play? - (4)
This poll has expired.
Total Votes: 26

Please login to vote.
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Re: It's Time To Vote For The 28th PHOTO OF THE WEEK
3/21/2008 6:21:15 AM

Good luck to all, I voted,

greetings from Russia, Lydia

Re: It's Time To Vote For The 28th PHOTO OF THE WEEK
3/21/2008 7:37:20 AM
Congratulations, Andrew. What a great picture and such a sweet pet.
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Re: It's Time To Vote For The 28th PHOTO OF THE WEEK
3/21/2008 7:47:54 AM

Hi Peter, Jim and Ana!!

Thanks for keeping this forum alive and flourishing!!!  Great job.  You hard work is most appreciated.


Congratualtions!!  That is one great photo.  Venus is definitley looking a bit serious!!

My vote is in!  All of the photos are great, so it ought to be fun race to the finish!!

Good luck everyone!!



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Re: It's Time To Vote For The 28th PHOTO OF THE WEEK
3/21/2008 8:10:10 AM
Congrats Andrew!

What a beautiful dog and you captured a wonderful serious expression.

It seems strange to say good luck to the contestants, when I am one, but good luck!

Angel cuddles,


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