Our forum features a member of the AdlandPro community each week who is truly a bright and *SHINING STAR*. It is a person that may not necessarily be a "high-profile" person per say, but rather someone that is not only a great friend to many, but also has a good heart and truly cares about others.
Let me introduce the most awesome group of team mates anyone could ever have! Not only are they my very good friends, but I also have the pleasure of working with them to bring this forum to all of you, each and every week;
and myself;
Here are the qualifications that will be used in the selection of each honoree. People that are selected will be recognized based on:
1. Acts of kindness that they show to their fellow man.
2. Must be willing to help others, and treat people in a kindly manner.
3. Have a good-hearted nature, and shows it through all that they do.
4. Must be a positive role model, and set a good example
5. Must be professional, avoids negativity, and promotes success through faith and hard work
So, if you know of anyone here at AdlandPro that are not necessarily "high profile" people per say, and that don't get the recognition that they deserve, let us know. We will be helping to get people recognized that should be *A SHINING STAR*. All nominations must be in by Saturday and please tell us why you believe the person deserves to be recognized.
Please send NOMINATIONS to one the following links;
When you get to one of our profiles, click on "Send Me A Message" and then send us the name of the person you want to nominate!
Kathleen is such a wonderful person and a good friend to many here at ALP. She is very active in the Community and is always ready to help someone out. Some of Kathleen's interests include dogs and cats, crafts, poetry, and photography...just to name a few. Please help us to Congratulate Kathleen on being one of this week's *Shining Stars* :)
Here is what some of KATHLEEN'S friends have been saying about her;
"Kathleen is such a cute person...she has a great smile and big, bright eyes. I am happy to be friends with her."
"Kathleen is professional, dedicated, committed, courteous, and understanding. I am glad to call her my friend!"
"Kathleen has a positive spirit that shows all over the place. She is truly a great person."
"Kathleen is so dedicated to her business, her family, to having fun, and to sharing with her friends here at ALP. I am honored to have her as my friend!"
The meaning of the name KATHLEEN;
Gender: Feminine
Usage: Irish, English
Pronounced: kath-LEEN |
Anglicized form of CAITLÍN
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English
Pronounced: KATH-u-rin, KATH-rin |
From the Greek name ???ate???? (Aikaterine). The etymology is debated: it could derive from the earlier Greek name ‘??ate???? (Hekaterine), which came from ‘e?ate??? (hekateros) "each of the two"; it could derive from the name of the goddess HECATE; it could be related to Greek a???a (aikia) "torture"; or it could be from a Coptic name meaning "my consecration of your name". The Romans associated it with Greek ?a?a??? (katharos) "pure" and changed their spelling from Katerina to Katharina to reflect this.
The name belonged to a 4th-century saint and martyr from Alexandria who was tortured on the famous Catherine wheel. Another saint by this name was Catherine of Siena, a 14th-century mystic. This name was also borne by two empresses of Russia, including Catherine the Great, and by three of Henry VIII's wives. | |
*NOTE - For more information on this name , or any other name, please refer to the following website;
Here is KATHLEEN'S bio;
I was surprised to be contacted about being featured in the Parade of Stars. Where do I start? Well, I read a lot, I always have since I was a kid. I was raised in a large Catholic family in suburban Philadelphia by two very overprotective parents, my father was strict but we kids always found ways to "escape" and have fun that we weren't supposed to, and get into trouble anyway. Being well-mannered and using good grammar were always high on his priority list. Good manners are something that onliners should rememember, words can and do affect people.
My mom was always very thrifty, even after she got an electric dryer she would still hang clothes outside on the clothesline so she wouldn't run up the electric bill. As teenagers, my sisters and I would be mortified to come home from school and see all our underwear hanging out there in plain view of the neighbors, not many people were still hanging out clothes in the late 1970's or early 1980's if they had a dryer. It's surprising how fast teenage girls can pull clothes off the line from embarrassment, much faster than if we'd just been told to do it as a chore.
I moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1985, got married in 1987. I have 2 grown stepsons who are both married with 1 child each. I also have 2 teenage sons, and currently 2 cats, we previously had a dog and a different cat that both passed on to pet heaven.
I've been active in marketing for a very long time, starting in mail-order before the internet was invented. Does anyone remember the pre-internet world? I'm still involved in the mail marketing field, that's a good way to learn patience and diligence in marketing, that seems to be the main difference between the types of people and the types of programs in mail versus the people and programs online. Mail takes time and postage investment, the internet is quick, people either quit quickly, lose money quickly, or jump onto other programs quickly because they don't need to wait to at least see a return on postage costs like the mail-order crowd.
I've been online for about 10 years, I started out advertising free affiliate programs and I still promote several of the good ones on a regular basis. Now the main income program I have earned the most money from is not a free affiliate site, it's Lotto Magic...this started as a mail-order business created by a publisher of a marketing newspaper in 1996 and is still mainly promoted by mail, even though they do offer a website to all members. I've been with it for almost a year now and it's better than ever. Membership in Lotto Magic has greatly increased in the last 2 years and now they've added 3 additional levels of commissions for Team Captains so 2008 looks like it will be red hot!
About being here in this community...I've said it before, Adlandpro Community is great for networking. Even free members can make unlimited daily personal contact with as many people as you can here on a daily basis. Other communities have limits on daily personal contact for free members.
The internet is a wide open field for anyone and everyone if you're promoting a good program, study everything you can about your business and make a commitment to it. Sometimes the benefits offered by a business are of more interest to prospective customers than the actual business itself. Different people respond to different things. Some people want to earn, of course, while other people may be more interested in saving money, saving time, or getting freebies.
It's my opinion that if people just read more about the businesses they are thinking about joining, and ask questions, they will be able to make better decisions. Then if they keep reading and asking questions of the administrators of those companies after they join, they will get enough very detailed information and gain more enthusiasm that will definitely attract more people to join with them.
More personal opinions about reading and enthusiasm...In 2004, I thought, no wonder voter turnout isn't higher, there are lots of people who don't even go to the library, which is free to everyone. In the upcoming election year, I hope more people read about the candidates, absorb the news from all aspects, both on conservative and liberal TV news stations and radio, and really be prepared to vote, and then make sure to register and actually vote next November. In the meantime, I hope more people regularly visit their local libraries, and also learn how to log onto the library computers in case your home computer ever breaks down. My computer was once broken for several months and I walked to the library 5 days a week during that time. We pay for the libraries with our taxes, but only a small percentage of people utilize what we're paying for.
Thanks for featuring me here!
I hope everyone has a fantastic week,
Let's all Congratulate KATHLEEN on being named one of this week's *SHINING STARS* If you are not a friend of KATHLEEN'S please send her an invitation to become your friend today! Here is KATHLEEN'S link;
We pray that everyone will continue to support and enjoy our forum! Please take the time to NOMINATE someone to become one of our *SHINING STARS*
God Bless Everyone,