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Did you know you can have your web site moved to the #1 Spot on Google & 100’s of Other Search Engines For FREE!
3/18/2008 12:27:56 PM

Did you know you can have your web site moved to the #1 Spot on Google & 100’s of Other Search Engines For FREE!


Pay nothing for this unique service that will get your web site ranked in the NUMBER ONE position on Google and other TOP search engines for 5 keywords you select.


You can also sign up as an affiliate (Also FREE).  Affiliates earn terrific income by simply referring other website owners and affiliates to the program.  Be sure to read the News Release section to get the latest updates regarding commissions.  Here’s an excerpt from last month – Feb 2008.   

"We love the way our affiliates have worked with us and have enjoyed your interaction and are preparing a pre-IPO offering for 1on40 on the London Stock Exchange. Any negotiation with such an offering will make you wealthier. Each credit that you earn or have earned is being treated as 100 shares or similar in the Initial Public Offering. It is estimated that each share will be worth a minimum of 90 pence or $1.80.

You can do the math; it is a wonderful dividend and will pay out in August 2008 - Not long now!  

1 credit = 100 shares x $1.80 = $180.00USD per credit. That's where the money is!"

It takes about 5 minutes to register your website or sign up as an affiliate.  Again, both are Free so if you are not registered you are invited to do so now.  Simply click on the following link and then on the “Submit Free” tab.   


Let me know if you have any questions regarding the sign up process or 1on40 in general.


To your future success

Rudi Vanhaecke

340 Posts
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Re: Did you know you can have your web site moved to the #1 Spot on Google & 100’s of Other Search Engines For FREE!
3/18/2008 1:40:09 PM

If you subscribe to my newsletter (, I'll publish your article.


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