
Economy of Influence
3/13/2008 6:52:55 PM


Copyrights 2006 The Labor Plant At United Master-Mind 


A Mind-Set is simply a way of thinking that predetermines a life to receive.


You will always earn in direct proportion to the influence you are responsible for. (Request a newsletter)



Sow. Share. Reap. Harvest. Rinse. Repeat.


24 Hr. Recorded Sizzle Overview Line

1-800-772-9781 Ext 40




NIGHTLY-9:27pm (est)-Mon+Tues+Wed

1-641-594-7000 pin 600088


The Economy of Influence


We compare ourselves with others-measure everything and everyone by our impressions and beliefs.


Once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it.


        Your subconscious mind

                Never sleeps

                        Never rests.


Over 90% of your mental life is subconscious.


Your subconscious speaks to you in

intuitions, impulses, hunches, urges and ideas.


Most of the world and its organizations are built to strip you of your power.


§     Why are so many people against those who want to start a biz and make a Million?


§     How come friends and family do not cheer for people like us who say, “I started a home business, I think I’ll make a Million!”


§     Try asking your boss for a raise.


Why do the masses “challenge” the little guy who is trying to be a big guy?       


People Do Not Consciously Say..


  “ I love the office politics,  I get off on being paid what my title pays, instead of what I am worth or what my influence is worth, and hot diggity, I am earning no more than I was last year, quota’s are up, so I have to work double the time for the same take home pay, plus, commuting to work every day and the three hours and $35 a day it costs me..Yeah!” (Request a newsletter)



Sow. Share. Reap. Harvest. Rinse. Repeat.


24 Hr. Recorded Sizzle Overview Line

1-800-772-9781 Ext 40




NIGHTLY-9:27pm (est)-Mon+Tues+Wed

1-641-594-7000 pin 600088


                However, people are conditioned

          to be that way.          


The trick of the system (Society and banks) is that it conditions us to believe that the “whole” is more important that the individual.


·     Stay in the box.

·     Don’t rock the boat.

·     Get a good job.

·     Get good benefits.

·     Work hard and die broke.

·     Borrow against your fica score.

·     Live the anxiety and worry about your job.


Funny thing about HARD WORK that my friends never seemed to understand.


a)    Hard working construction workers never got rich and they do not live in big houses.

b)    Elton John only works 4-6 Hrs. per day.


You will always earn in direct proportion to the influence you are responsible for.




PS Enterprises

Pamela D South (Request a newsletter)



Sow. Share. Reap. Harvest. Rinse. Repeat.


24 Hr. Recorded Sizzle Overview Line

1-800-772-9781 Ext 40




NIGHTLY-9:27pm (est)-Mon+Tues+Wed

1-641-594-7000 pin 600088




Pamela South
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