Can I Jump Up On The Soap Box?
I have been receiving a lot of emails from AdLand Pro members that try to begin a business relation using deception and Lies!
Have you received any emails like this?
I saw your ad on Adland Pro and I am interested in your business and how it works!
Please contact me!
email address
phone #
I send a reply to many of these messages (which by the way) have the same wording, andI ask them just which of the 16 ads that I have running did they see.
I always receive a return mail stating that they don't remember just which ad it was, and they also send me their business info that will explode my business.
Fact # 1
They never viewed any of my ads.
Fact # 2 They don't even know which business I have!
Fact # 3 The majority of the time it is either a lead source or a Social Network program.
But now let me ask you a question!
Would you even consider doing business with a person that starts trying to build a relationship with a lie.
It is some what like receiving a telephone call from someone and a name does not show up on the caller I D. I don't even consider doing business with someone that tries to hide their idenity!
Well, let me get of the Soap Box and allow another person jump up on it!!!!