Hi Thomas:
I read your article with interest and you did touch on some good points.
The main point that I agree on is that
Planning your advertising campain is an absolute priority.
Personally I believe that the best way to market is through " getting to know people", just like what you are doing, through the use of Web 2.0 in a variety of ways such as Adland, multiply,hub as a few examples. Creating your own
blog and learning how to link, back link and all the different strategies and techniques one can use to brand themselves not just an affiliate program.
That being said using other strategies such as traffic exchanges, email marketing,safelist marketing and so many more ways are indeed useful, once knowledge, strategies and techniques are used.
I know there is a member of Adland who owns her own Safelist and I hope that she visits your discussion to add her input here :-)
What I have been learning about safelists has been very interesting to say the least.
Listjoe is one of the best ones, so I am glad that we agree on that :-)
The key to safelists that I am finding is of course the subject line. If you can't draw people in on your subject line..then you have one big problem. Therefore test test test and see how different ones work for you.
Make sure that you use some kind of tracking service to see how your different ads work for you...I am sure I telling you things you already knew, but it never hurts to let people who are new to know these things.
there is a very good forum I would reccommend to learn more about safelists, traffic exchanges etc. I have to say that if you want to learn from the owners of these styles of marketing, as well as the top marketers go there:
http://www.forumknowhow.com/members/I do warn that this is not a free forum but for $10.00 a year, the wealth of knowledge is very worth the effort. This is not an affiliate program by the way..just good solid knowledge for those who really want to learn things.
Sorry for babbling...got on a roll there...oops.
Thomas, you do bring good ideas forward for people to talk about and I hope that many will come and visit and put in their two centsworth.
To Your Success,