1.How much I love her.
2.How much that smile she made, makes me warm all over.
3.How much she contributes to the family emotionally,physically and financially.
4.There wouldn't be this family without her.
5.She is my everything.
6.We were meant to grow old together.
7.I appreciate her even though I forget to tell her, or say it often enough.
8.When we dance its like there is no one else in the room.
9.The most loving and wonderful thing she did was give me two children, that's something I could never do.
10.Forgive me even when I know I was wrong.
I challange each of you to make up your own list and put in a card and give it to that special person. Sometimes we wait and wait and then its too late.
I hope it shall never be too late to give acts of kindness, a loving kiss, an act of forgiveness to someone you love. It take only a few minutes and they are certainly worth it.
Frank Eckert, Thank you for reading my articles
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