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Ten things You Need to Know About the Purple Cow
3/2/2008 1:59:58 PM

Seth Godin's book the Purple Cow is a remarkable book for those in marketing. As in any book it has the followers and the others. I chose to approach the positive portions of the book for this article.

1. It's a process that organizations use to discover what makes their products remakable (intentionally or accidentally).Loof for the edge.

2. He makes it clear, it is easier to be safe then to take a risk.Is it really worth talking about? Fortify their desire for the product or service.Challenge your team to describe the edges the distance they are likely to deliver either in with the marketing or financial results

3.We know remakable things sell. People get lazy and stop being creative and intentive, you will not succeed very long. Just like milking the cow you see what you have, but after it gone,then what?You need to figure out before that milk is gone the product is up and  ready.

4.I interpreted what Seth had to say as to think and act differently. I feel like I am not evolving, moving like the world. We were meant to change and grow. From that growth new ideas should flourish and make something positive for others. Yes this a marketing book but we must market ourselves before we can market a product, concept, or idea.

5.This is not a how-to book. If it was I would be the first in line. Now Godin stimulates you to think outside of the box."Enjoy the big ideas but put them into practice" States Godin.

6.The four P's Godin"s states are important in any marketing are, product,  pricing,packaging, and perception.

7.Replication is discussed as every product, interaction,policy in either working or it is not.This can make or break the best companies.This not a new concept but certainly needs to be said.

8.Get out there find out what the public thinks about you as marketer or the product.Word of mouth can make or break a company. Think about the Tylenol scare, the hamburger chain scare, etc.

9. Create an environment that people can be creative. Don't be stuck in the norm. You must have a new product in the wings when the old product no longer has the numbers you want.This product should be already being marketed.Be ahead of the game.

10. The reason for anything we do in either buried inside of us or its right in front of us. Stop standing on the fridges if this interests you get Seth Godin's Purple Cow, or All Marketers are Liars and lastly The Big Moo for small businesses. 


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