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Ten Things I Learned About The Color Red
3/1/2008 3:06:35 PM
The red personality the last of the four colors. Yellow and Blue make up 35% each of the population. The green and Red each have 15%. I want to begin this thread by thanking Michael Dlouthy who so eloquently put this in such easy, simplistic terms, that we can understand and use. The red can be identified by the stiff stature with a no nonsense approach to business. I believe this type of personality was previously labed as an A personality. But no matter what cliche' we use we need to understand.By building a trusting relationships with the eventual capturing of the strongest team member/advocate you could have. When you send an email to a red it must have their name in all capitals. I know this goes against my previous article but for them their is nothing norm.Email to the point and with no feelings. Let them think you need him/her. 1.Family is an after thought and never interferes with business, has a forceful voice, a handshake that is firm and slow but walks fast. 2.Their professions are:CEO, Attorney. Dresses only with brand name,solid color clothes,money is never an issue and has someone else shop for him. 3.The dislikes are:small talk,indecision,crying(shows their out of control),family time,vacation,freedom. 4.The likes are:having is ego stroked, privacy to some extent but also need to see and feel in control of everything. 5.The Strengths are:best negotators,risktakers,confident, independent,natural born leaders.They know alot important people like the mayor so they have the connections. 6.The Weakness are:big ego,domineering,unteachable. 7.Follow his lead he expects to be closed. Present testimonials of leader regardeing your product. Stoke his ego. 8.The compensation plan needs to be fast, big bucks with unlimited income, and a leadership bonus. (S)He will say my way or the highway or show me the big picture. 9.Focus on his strenghts, stroke his ego, yes again. Then ask him can I do this? Can you help me? Allow that control issue to come into play. He is difficult to work with, but thats where your understanding of the personalities comes in. 10. Once they are part of the team they expect to run it, so give him a title,to monitor the money and be creative/ The time and money spend will be well worth it. Yes red's believe there is no one smarter then them. Are prideful of there accomplishment especially if the came from what they consider a lower class. You will hear them saying "I showed them".For these people time is money. Get to the point which may be an intoduction. Again build the relationship. Show them leader testimonials not all in one day I will do a quick thread on how to tell these personalities over the telephone. The telephone is a great tool but it is just one of the tools. Good Luck Frank E http://www.adlandpro
C. Raps

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Re: Ten Things I Learned About The Color Red
3/2/2008 12:08:07 PM

Frank I found your articles are very informative of the color coded personality types. I will use them to determine my approach to these different personalities.  Look forward to your next article about how to converse with these different types over the phone.

C. Raps


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