Hi Everyone,
Marilyn here! I am sending everyone a reminder about tomorrow night's, Saturday, Business Presentation with me at 9pm EST. Please make sure to attend and bring along a friend or prospect that would like to hear about the compensation plan etc. Here is the link to the room for you; http://virtualworlddirect.e-lectazone.com/tools/subscribea.asp?cid=262&roomid=2284 I look forward to seeing many of you there!
This is an English presentation ONLY!
Here's a reminder for you as well...Please sign up for the uVme Blog and you will get all the latest and updated news as soon as it becomes available! This will keep you on top of things and help you with running YOUR biz. Go to http://www.uvmeblog.com and sign up today if you haven't done so already! Thanks!
Have a great day and see you at the presentation!
Hello My Friend ! My internet connection has been down for the last week so I am stopping in quickly to say hi and - Peace !