
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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YOU Can Earn $500,000.00 MONTHLY by NEXT YEAR even with a SLOW Downline:
2/26/2008 1:28:54 PM

If each of us and everyone in our downline only gets 1 person each month to sign up as a Team Captain, and it takes each of us an entire year to get 12, that would still only take a year and a half for 12 people per person per level on all 5 levels, and we'd each earn over $500,000 in our 18th month's paycheck, and over $500,000 every month after that (over $6,000,000 yearly), AND get 10% of 100,000's of winning lottery tickets. 

Really, if we each just get 5 and that's all we ever do, we'll each earn nearly $8,000 every month (almost $100,000 yearly) and get 10% of all winning tickets from an average of 33,000 tickets every month in the Florida lottery.  What if we each got 5 signups within our very first month?  It IS very possible!  Lots of members get more than 5 signups monthly.

It only takes 2 Captains to cover your monthly just making an effort will bring you results!  The new 5-level pay plan and 50% winnings on personal ticket winnings is really something!  Just getting 2 people to join as Captains will make your membership FREE, and all your lottery winnings will have been FREE for you, too!!

Lotto Magic is fantastic, whether you get signups fast or slow, just do it!!  If you haven't listened to the new 9-minute online audio yet, it's very informative.  There's no other business program like this anywhere in the world:

All members get a site like this, join as a Captain for 5 levels of monthly recurring income:


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Nick Sym

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Re: YOU Can Earn $500,000.00 MONTHLY by NEXT YEAR even with a SLOW Downline:
2/26/2008 6:12:23 PM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
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Steven Suchar

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Re: YOU Can Earn $500,000.00 MONTHLY by NEXT YEAR even with a SLOW Downline:
2/26/2008 10:25:22 PM
"Thank You Kathleen From Across Lake Michigan"

  You're A Dedicated Marketing Friend!  :)

Best graphics for your profile!
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: YOU Can Earn $500,000.00 MONTHLY by NEXT YEAR even with a SLOW Downline:
2/27/2008 7:32:35 AM
Thank you for the beautiful graphic, Nick!!
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

13305 Posts
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Re: YOU Can Earn $500,000.00 MONTHLY by NEXT YEAR even with a SLOW Downline:
2/27/2008 9:14:55 AM
Thank you very much, Steven!  Have a fantastic day!!
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