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Michael Derowin

770 Posts
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Sharing Together
2/25/2008 12:09:49 AM

Sharing Together


Giving your heart and soul to someone who is able

to hold it without it shattering,

Believing this person is strong enough to go thru all

of your troubles without it mattering.


Trusting the other to be there when your troubles are

to tough and they are wanted and needed,

Knowing what to do when the signs are there to help

without any asking as the signs are heeded.


Talking things over and bringing the trouble

to the front of our attention.

Coming to our own conclusions of what has to be done

without any outside intervention.


So now we have given all the troubles our attention

let’s get started before things turn to rubble.

The question to ask is what links to this negativity

then focus on finding the answer to the trouble,


Giving everything we have to come to an answer

before coming to any conclusions,

Never doubting ourselves with the answers we come

to as we know they are not illusions.


We have come to terms with what we have to do so now

is the time to make things come true,

So let us step outside of this box we have put ourselves

in and see if the sky is really that blue.


Take a walk down the street together and start showing

other’s how much we really do care,

With all of our love for each other hoping this tells

everyone how much we do share.


Sharing with all I meet now how much your friendship and

kindness given with love really means to me,

Now not caring who knows about our love as I spread

it like wildfire for everyone else to see.


Take some advice from people who do know what others

have and are going thru in their lives,

Do not hide your feelings way down deep inside as all it

does is keep you in a place where negativity thrives.

Let us move forward with our plans which we started that

did not work so we made a different decision,

This is what happens when things go astray and something

interferes with our plans and exact precision.


Move forward out of our troubled times and move

on to the better letting go of our biggest doubt,

Start to live out lives like we knew what really was and

everyone else wanted to know what it was about.



Written by,


Michael Derowin

© 2008

Nick Sym

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Re: Sharing Together
2/25/2008 1:22:54 AM
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Kevin Doolittle

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Re: Sharing Together
2/25/2008 6:15:46 AM

Thanks Michael.



"Helping others, to help others"

Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Sharing Together
2/25/2008 9:43:27 AM

Thank You Michael,

Always a pleasure reading your poems , Gods speed :-) Lee


Kari Shinal

143 Posts
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Re: Sharing Together
3/19/2008 2:21:40 PM
My Poet Friend Michael,

Being able to share the most important parts of one's is something special. It is what makes things worth the planning, waiting and hopeing for when reaching for that next tomorrow. Like the time taken to share with another in your poem.

I would suppose that at times, looking to tomorrow is the hardest part. Wanting and feeling things now is what most look to. I am glad that I know tomorrows are ok, and that they do happen. I always endeavor to remember that indeed Tomorrow is Today!

Your Poet Friend

Kari Shinal

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