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My Final Post
2/24/2008 9:12:22 PM
As the subject line says this is my final post to any forum on Adlandpro. I have had absolutely no success here and will be canceling my account. I know many of you will say that it is because I didn't do this or that and some of you will write to say that if I just join your program I will have success. The truth is though that unless you have a name like Joe, Jason, Stephen, Sharon and a few others no one even looks at the posts or takes you seriously.
I am part of another  community where I have over 3000 contacts as compared to 97 here and I have been here longer. My contacts there actually communicate with me and we can actually get to know each other. I have had many referrals and sign ups to my programs as well. I own and operate 4 of them and people are starting to make money.

It is strange to me that out of a claimed membership of over 66 000 I can't get even one person to sign up yet the smaller community of which I am proud to be part of I have had over 100 people join my programs and others have  purchased products from my store. Adland even took a month to recognize  my affiliate link on my site.

I already know that most of you won't even read this because ,like I said, I am not one of the big names but at least I had my say.
To those of you who do read this and think I am wrong prove it.

Here are my programs:
Surfing Country
Country Boy Safe List
Mighty Save Super Store - where my link is
Zion5 - the other community

If I am proven wrong and I get the same kind of response from here then I will eat crow and fully rescind my words but I don't think that will happen. I will wait 24 hours.

Kevin G Cromwell

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