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Still in Process of Learning Here
2/23/2008 9:16:53 AM
I am still so far from getting ads posting.  Just reading tutorials.  I wish these interneting marketing ads would be more realistic when they tell us we can make lots of money starting right away, etc...I started over 2 weeks ago and became a member of a non-refundable site, then joined another one that brought me to ALP.  I don't have visions of mega money here.  I just wanted to make even a thousand a month but there is so much more to internet marketing and I just spent $100 and can't afford to keep spending.  I joined to get out of debt not to increase my debt.  Thanks, Shirley
With Sincere Thanks Shirley P. Schaeffer
Graham Swinamer

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Re: Still in Process of Learning Here
9/20/2008 3:03:55 PM


First of all, welcome to network marketing.  Now what sort of programs are you involved in? 

Of course the ads are going to tell you that you can make money by tomorrow, the truth is that if you have an unlimited ad budget, then yes you can make money fast.  For the rest of us, it may take longer.  What most of those sites don't tell you is the hardest part is in the marketing.  You have to make sure that you are getting the message to the right audience.  That is why I asked you which programs you are in, because that will determine the market you want to target. 

Now you can market with no money upfront, and a lot of people do.  There are many free classified ads sites, even adland offers free ads.  You may have to wait a bit longer to see returns from those ads.  Most people start with the free ads and take the money they earn from those signups to fund other methods of advertising.

Another way to get free traffic is through a traffic exchange, and basically what that entails is you sign up for free, add your site and you surf other members sites for credits so your site will be seen.  It is a time consuming effort sometimes, but again it is free.

Hopefully that gives you a good start, yes, the first time marketing is a big learning curve.  If you need more info, check out my blog at and click on the marketing secrets link at the top.



