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Our Third WINNER Of the Most Distiguished Woman Award is Our Wonderful Lady friend...Mrs. Ana Maria Padurean
2/18/2008 1:00:32 PM

Our Third WINNER Of the Most Distiguished Woman Award is Our Wonderful Lady friend...

Mrs. Ana Maria Padurean!!!


Lets PaRtY!! Post your Congrats here!!!



Greetings From Romania!

I'm Ana Maria, mother of two grown up children: Ramona 21 and Alex 18, and the wife of my husband! Would you believe that? :-) We are very well together as my heart stacked somewhere between 25 and 30, and I can enjoy life now like than, along with my kids! My husband has no choice :-)) Of course I'm kidding, he's a great person too. I love him very much.

For me true friendship has a great value. I enjoy meeting people from different parts of the world, from different cultures with different habits.

I like jokes, music, sports, animals, and people; not necessarily in that order.

Off line I'm chemical engineer and research scientist, but for several years I worked in Life Insurance and Financial Planing, as almost all our chemical industry is gone with the wind. Now, after a long time I feel again pleased with what I'm doing; I'm the manager of a newly opened Clinic's Branch in Oradea.

About my business interests...see my profile. Though, I have to confess that the most I like online is Adland and its Community! I have so few time left even for this that I really do not have time for anything else with the internet.

If you want to know me better, than feel free to contact me; I'm here and you know how to find me.

All the best to you, Anamaria

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Ana Marie is a Most Positive influence in Adlandpro. Ana makes a point of visiting everyone and making them feel great!!! Ana is a Great friend to many here in alp. Read some of Ana's Wonderful feedback post.

Joelees W.
9.97 / 10
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 - rated: 10
WooHoo Anamaria,
Who would have thought friends for so long and not on each others list lol Welcome to my Adland Family Of Friends,Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored to be a member of your adland family once again. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Updated: Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Ana Maria's Response 
Hello Lee :-)

Finally we made official our friendship! LOL!
I cannot imagine how that happened! And I was so "brat" to show up my nose in many of your forums put up for your friends! LOL
I'm happy to be your friend, officially or not! LOL
Thank you for your high rating, I'll do my best to be at the expected hight!
With lots of hugs filled with friendship,
Gunther G.
Gunther G. (user id: GENGRO) is offline. Last login: 02-06-2008 364
10.00 / 10
Tuesday, December 04, 2007 - rated: 10
Hey, so, what's not to like? As a people person myself I like open and honest people whenever I find them.
Updated: Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Ana Maria's Response 
Hello Gunther,

Glad to meet you! and Thanks a lot for your kind and friendly words! Honesty is one of the most important feature one person should have!

Wish you lots of honest people around :-)
With friendship,

Juliana B.
Juliana Bond (user id: julianab) is offline. Last login: 01-17-2008 789
9.77 / 10
Monday, August 13, 2007 - rated: 10
Ana Maria,

I have rated you a 10 for being such a sweet and wonderful Friend.

Smile You have been tagged!
Updated: Monday, August 13, 2007
Ana Maria's Response 
Waw, dear Juliana!
You weren't here at my last reply! LOL
Thank you for your kind words and for your friendship,
Linda H.
Linda Harvey (user id: sweetprofits) is offline. Last login: 02-18-2008 3911
9.53 / 10
Friday, August 10, 2007 - rated: 10
You are AWESOME !

Updated: Friday, August 10, 2007
Ana Maria's Response 

Thank you dear Linda; as you can see I'm smiling LOL! In fact I'm smiling almost all the time. With friends like you how couldn't I?!
Wish you always be a proud mother and a successful Lady.(I mean successful, because LADY you are :-) )
With friendship,



Please, Lets All Congratulate Ana here for her Most Distiguished Woman Award!!! WTG Ana!!

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Re: Our Third WINNER Of the Most Distiguished Woman Award is Our Wonderful Lady friend...Mrs. Ana Maria Padurean
2/18/2008 1:38:58 PM

Hello Sharon,

Wonderful woman, Ana Maria deserves the honor.....

                     Ana Maria!


VOTE!!!! POTM!!!
Flag of Lydia Fokina

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Re: Our Third WINNER Of the Most Distiguished Woman Award is Our Wonderful Lady friend...Mrs. Ana Maria Padurean
2/18/2008 1:43:49 PM

Hello Sharon!

Congratulation AnaMaria!

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Re: Our Third WINNER Of the Most Distiguished Woman Award is Our Wonderful Lady friend...Mrs. Ana Maria Padurean
2/18/2008 1:55:52 PM

Lets PaRtY!! Post your Congrats here!!!



Flag of Peter Fogel

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Re: Our Third WINNER Of the Most Distinguished Woman Award is Our Wonderful Lady friend...Mrs. Ana Maria Padurean
2/18/2008 2:17:06 PM

Hi Sharon & Lee.

Hey Ananaria, ooooops I forgot, now that you're the Distinguished Woman of The Week it's Mrs. Anamaria Padurean, sorry about that. I gotta do that with the guys too. Make em all Misters from now on.

You are certainly a distinguished woman and well deserving of this award. Your smile, good will, natural cheer and willingness to help are seen all over Adland. Enjoy your week in the spotlight and limelight.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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