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Nourish The Children
2/13/2008 5:58:50 PM
This is an awesome cause to donate to:

Nu Skin Enterprises' mission is to be a force for good in the world -- particularly in the lives of children. The Nourish the Children initiative unites Nu Skin Enterprises with our extensive worldwide distributor force in nourishing the world's hungry children. We are deeply troubled that every day more than 15,000 children around the world are dying from malnutrition. Our joint mission is to be a powerful force in saving children's lives.

We will accomplish our mission by combining company product donations with voluntary product donations from our global distributor force and their customers. Every donation will reach needy children through a select group of reputable relief agencies, including Feed the Children, who frequently report on the progress and health of children nourished by Nourish the Children. The primary products donated are nutrient-dense foods, formulated for convenient family use, but ideally suited to meet the nutritional requirements of malnourished children.

Each Vital Meal will feed 30 children.
Visit the following website to learn more
about the Nourish The Children, also you
can make donations at that site, if you would like to join in the mission of the
Nourish The Children.  All donations are
tax deductible.

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