Who was Saint Valentine?
Catholic Church recognises at least three Valentines. They were all martyred.
There are
various legends about St Valentine. He could have been a priest in Rome in the third century.
Emperor Claudius II made marriage illegal for young men, because he wanted
soldiers who were single, with no wives or children to stunt their soldiering
potential. Valentine secretly performed
marriages for young couples. When he was
discovered, Claudius ordered his execution.
may have tried to help Christians escape from Roman prisons and was executed
for his actions.
One legend
tells that Valentine sent the first Valentine greeting. In prison he fell in love with a young
lady. Before his death he wrote her a
letter, signing it “From your Valentine.”
Sound familiar?
I don’t
think it matters who he was. What he
represents is important. By the Middle
Ages, Valentine was one of the most popular saints in England and France. Not surprising really, when love is there to share.
of course, we are talking the love of romance.
But I’ve noticed here in Adland, wishes of love, Valentines wishes to
and from friends, friends who are sharing friendship and love. Whilst we are sharing this love, I’d like to
take it one step further.
One of my
life purposes, my missions, is to bring love and comfort to the forgotten
children on Mother Earth, to help the less fortunate children in this
world. I’d like us all to spare a
thought for these children, especially on Valentine’s Day, when there is so
much love about us. Let’s gather up some of
that love and send some love and light to these children. In doing so, something positive will happen
in their lives.

I was
talking to a lady last night, who was one of twins, both a “mistake.” She is in her fifties. She was telling me how she still remembers
how it felt, when she tried to give her mother a cuddle and was pushed away. In
her fifties, the pain is still there.
The forgotten children are experiencing that pain now, some more than others. If we make a concerted effort to send them
some love, they will be touched. They
will receive those badly needed cuddles.
Perhaps they won’t realise where that warmth is coming from, but they
will feel it, and that is what is important.

Just a little
gesture on our part can mean a lot to the forgotten children. They are our children because they are God’s
children. They are Mother Earth’s
future. They and we are the future. Let’s make it a future full of love and
May God’s
angels protect, support, guide and comfort all.