
Shawn Murphy

5 Posts
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What to do when you hit a LOW!
2/10/2008 11:37:03 AM

What to do when you hit a low!


This is something I learned from Bob Proctor, I can not take the credit for this one.


Get 2 pieces of blank paper, on the first one describe the negative condition you are presently in. Describe the situation, feel the emotions that are rising to the surface. Remember the more you feel these emotions the faster you will release them. Whatever emotions you have been suppressing sooner or later need to surface. These suppressed feelings are blocking your inner vibrations; releasing these emotions will allow you to manifest what you truly want. The first sheet is finished.


Pick up the second sheet and write how you want the situation or present condition to be. Feel the success, joy and pleasure associated with having this manifest in the right direction. Dive into this positive energy, feel this emotions as if they were happening. The same way you needed to experience the negative emotions to release them, you also need to experience the positive to anchor them to your subconscious. The more passion you feel for these new ideas the faster they will manifest.


Now take the first sheet, read it and then burn it. Take the second sheet and fold it up, place it in your pocket and keep it with you for until it has manifested.


Shawn Murphy

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