I didn't think it would be possible in my life time.
You see, I grew up in a time when cell phones hadn't been invented. I grew up when not every house had a color TV. I lived through a recession where my friends emigrated and you were thankful you had a job. So I had 3 jobs. To make ends meet and get what I wanted out of life. I did well. Better than most but not as well as some.
I worked every hour that God put in the day but I was still living Just Over Broke and being grateful for any little bonuses my bosses would throw me.
So why would I want to give up my 3 jobs? Silly question, right?
I wanted to take control of my life so I actively looked for a business where I was the boss, where I controlled the hours I worked, where I didn't have to spend 3 hours a day in a car on top of an 8 hour day and I wanted more time with my wife and two dogs.
Work less but earn more? Am I crazy? I had to find a business that would be lucrative enough to replace the income of 3 jobs?
I LOVE a good challenge!
I looked at MLM. I failed. Miserably. Too much pain for too little gain.
I looked at franchise. It's expensive to even start. I'd have to be lucky.
But I don't believe in luck. I believe that you have the power to invite in to your life what you want, what you need, if your heart is in it.
The answer was IN me and the answer was ME.
Now something great is in my life. Something great is in OUR lives (don't forget the wife and dogs). We're planning a family and I know our kids are going to have a great future. I know I'll be there to wipe their snotty noses and change their nappies. I'm going to "retire" before I'm 40.
But there's more.
This is a business so when I'm filling out my tax returns, how much do you think I get to write off? The gas bills, the electricity bills, my computer, my advertising, the lot!
Does it get any better? Financial freedom AND time freedom. Now that's living out loud.
So now you know my story. If you want to change your situation and take control of your life, then join me and thousands of average of Joes (or Joannas) like me. Ordinary people making extraordinary incomes from their kitchens, their sitting rooms, their spare rooms, their bedrooms (you get the idea!).
You owe it to yourself to write your own success story.
Howard 00-353-86-89 45678 http://www.BeterMoney4u.com
Here's something that inspires me: http://212movie.com