Hi Everyone,
I need your advice and I'd also like to invite you to participate as a joint venture partner in a new product we'll be releasing in conjunction with the launch of SuccessPatrol.com within the next 2-3 weeks.
Product Description:
Lead Me To Profits Manual is a step-by-step guide with a twist. It's a two part manual that guides people into successful traffic building.
Part one will contain successful traffic generating techniques that describe the exact step by step methods required to achieve positive results.
Part two is a daily activity checklist for marketers to follow in order to successfully apply those techniques.
What I need:
I need experienced traffic experts to submit a successful traffic generating technique. The technique has to be explained in a step by step process and must be a proven winner. Remember some of the people reading this will be new to traffic generation so it needs to be written so a beginner can understand it.
I expect traffic techniques will be duplicated so only one unique approach will be included from each marketer. Contact me with your idea to make sure that it's not been included already. If you have more than one successful technique, it might be considered if there’s room.
What I'm offering:
You'll have resale rights to Lead Me To Profits Manual. The recommended price is $19.94.
You will be showcased as an expert in your field and I'll include up to 3 of your product links and/or websites.
Who else will be selling Lead Me To Profits Manual
Only Affiliates of Success Patrol and Contributors will be able to sell Lead Me To Profits Manual
I need your advice.
Any suggestions you'd like to share to improve this product would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again for your time.
Please PM me with any ideas and if you'd like to be part of this.