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Outstanding Med/Dental/Hosp Bills? We Can Reduce What You Currently Owe.
2/9/2008 8:06:31 PM

    Why not let UNITED CONSUMERS ASSOCIATION [UCA] REDUCE The Amount that you Currently Owe for Dental/Medical/Hospital Bills.

    What we are able to save our Members on their outstanding bill can and do pay for their Membership in UCA several times over. And even if we're unable to get your current bill reduced, you have a 60-day money back guarantee on your Membership (and all Memberships are paid for on a monthly basis, so their is no long term commitment).

    So what do you have to lose? Some of our member have saved up to 75% of what they currently owed prior to their Dental, Medical, and/or Hospital Bill being [Re-]Negotiated.

Here are the details of how we do what we do:


Negotiation Services

The Negotiation Service we use has over 15 years of experience working with physicians, hospitals, and their billing departments. They use this experience to negotiate discounts on medical claims on your behalf to save you money and help solve your medical bill problems.

In an age when healthcare is confusing and expensive, working with a negotiation service helps you find answers, as well as saving you money.  It may even help you avoid collection agencies, high interest rates and damaged credit.

Post-Procedure Services

If you’ve been to the doctor and have medical bills, maybe you can’t afford them or maybe they’re just very expensive and you want to have them reduced. The Post-Procedure service can help reduce these medical costs and save you money. This process works as follows:

  1. You go to a doctor and have a procedure done – for example, surgery, X-rays, etc.
  2. After your procedure, you are responsible for paying the bill.
  3. The bill may be too expensive, incorrect, or more than you can afford. This is when you contact us by calling the number on your UCA card.
  4. A Patient Financial Counselor reviews your bill and contacts your medical provider to negotiate the bill down to a more affordable price. We confirm with you in writing the amount and terms before taking any action. There are no fees for having your bills reviewed, so why not see whether we can save you money.
  5. If you are credit worthy, you may have the negotiation service pay the bill in full and arrange with you for the payment of the discounted amount, along with an access fee.

Pre-Procedure Services

If you have a medical procedure coming up, maybe your insurance won’t cover everything and you'll be left with an expensive bill to pay. Pre-procedure negotiations can help by getting the cost of the procedure reduced. This process works as follows:

  1. Call the number on your UCA card to contact the negotiation service before, during, or immediately after scheduling the medical procedure.
  2. A Patient Financial Counselor will contact your healthcare provider and agree on a fee that is more affordable to you in exchange for prompt payment. We will confirm with you in writing the amount and terms before taking any action.
  3. If you are credit worthy, the negotiation service will pay the bill in full and arrange with you for the payment of the discounted amount, along with an access fee.

Please Note: This program is made available to our members as a service. UCA nor AcessOne DMPO (Administrator) are involved in any way with the payment arrangements and do not receive information relative to the member's medical condition.

 It is a reduced-fee-for-service program, with substantial savings.

Please note that this is not health insurance and we do not make payments directly to healthcare services providers. It is a discount program and you are obligated to pay for all healthcare services at time of service. You will receive discounts for healthcare services from those providers who have contracted with the program.                                                                                                           UCA is administered by AccessOne Consumer Health Inc. For questions or complaints, contact us at 84 Villa Road, Greenville, SC 29615 or website                                                                                                                                   The program and its administrators have no liability for providing or guaranteeing service or the quality of service rendered.       Note to Utah Residents: This program is not protected by the Utah Life and Health Guarantee Association.


Nehemiah Thomas,
1-877-827-2901-Toll Free

By [RE-]NEGOTIATION, We Can Reduce your Current Dental, Medical and Doctor Bills. . . and Save you Money on your Future Bills;
See how @
Blessed 2ba Blessing, Nehemiah Thomas, Our FREE CAP Card has Saved our Cardholders $450,000,000.00+

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