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Linda Harvey

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Health Nuts
2/6/2008 9:02:37 PM

Health Nuts

Some fairly recent analyses of the Adventist Health Study findings showed a remarkable relationship between eating nuts and whole wheat bread, and experiencing a reduced risk for Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). These findings were the subject of a research article submitted by Dr. Fraser and his colleagues to the Archives of Internal Medicine, and published in its July 1992 issue.

The most outstanding findings of this part of the overall study show that nut consumption reduces the risk of both fatal and nonfatal coronary heart disease. Again, the researchers looked for a variety of ways to disprove the finding, adjusting the data for differences in age, sex, smoking habits, exercise, relative weight, and hypertension. The protective qualities of nuts remained statistically significant and essentially unchanged in magnitude. 

Those individuals who ate nuts one to four times a week had 26% decrease in the risk of suffering from definite nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI) and a 27% decrease in the risk of definite fatal coronary heart disease as compared to those who ate nuts less than once a week. However, those individuals who ate nuts five or more times a week had a 48% decrease in the risk of definite nonfatal heart attack and a 38% reduced risk of definite fatal CHD as compared to the group who ate nuts less than once a week. 

Age- and sex-adjusted analyses of the associations between nut consumption and definite CHD were calculated for various subgroups within the Adventist Health Study. Results were examined to see if the association between nut consumption and CHD held up in different segments of the population. The consistency was quite remarkable and adds to the researchers' confidence in the importance of these findings. 

Both "ever-smokers" and "never-smokers" showed a 46% decrease in the risk of coronary heart disease when they ate nuts five or more times a week. Study participants with normal blood pressure showed that eating nuts more than five times a week reduced their risk of coronary heart disease by 60% percent, and hypertensive individuals enjoyed a 30% decrease in risk compared to similar subjects who ate few nuts. 

Nuts are widely used here at The Wholefood Farmacy and you can find them in many of our foods. In addition, the next time you go to the grocery store, spend a few minutes looking at all of the different types of nuts and consider them in place of other processed food snacks such as potato chips and cheese puffs.  You’ll love them, your kids will love them and your whole family will be much better off.  Now is the best time to put your kids on a path that leads to health, vitality, longevity and happiness.

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Nick Sym

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Re: Health Nuts
2/7/2008 2:26:38 AM

Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Linda Harvey

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Re: Health Nuts
2/7/2008 12:51:45 PM
Health Nuts
Linda Harvey

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Re: Health Nuts
2/11/2008 4:03:45 PM
5 Energy Boosters !

1. Get adequate sleep -- This may seem like a no-brainer, but many people suffer from different forms of insomnia. Although the average amount of time is eight hours, it's whatever you need to feel rested and only you can determine that. Avoid caffeine and alcohol to assure a good night's rest.

2. Stay hydrated -- It is not only important to stay hydrated for your skin and digestive health, but your overall engine running, as well. Remain conscious about how much you're drinking throughout the day. You'll feel better when you've imbibed enough water!

3. Take a multivitamin -- Eating a balanced diet doesn't insure you'll get the minimum dietary requirements you need for energy. To remind yourself, put your bottle of multivitamins next to your toothpaste or something else you know you'll use at least once a day!

4.Exercise -- Although many people think exercise makes you tired, it does just the opposite if done in moderation. Exercise actually increases energy by getting the heart pumping, providing oxygen to working muscles and by increasing cardio respiratory capacity.

5. Eat breakfast -- Many may think it's not that important, but those who eat breakfast sure can tell the difference on days they skip. Your body is resting all night and the only way to get it started in the morning is by feeding it. It's like trying to start a car without gas -- it won't work. Something light and healthy is a great way to start your day.

Although the idea of a fizzy, lifting drink like the one in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is a fantastic one, there is no such thing. Actual products on the market try to persuade the public their liquid energy is a magical experience. But it's not. Red Bull doesn't really give you wiiiings.

And next time you're feeling a little sluggish, don't rush to Starbucks for that Venti Mocha Frappuccino with extra whipped cream. Put on your mp3 player, kick on some energetic music, grab a bottle of water and take a brisk walk.

Everyone could use a little more energy in their day. Just a little push is all we need sometimes to kick into high gear. Just changing a few things in your everyday routine can make a difference. Try these tips -- they're almost a guaranteed prescription for increased energy.

Linda Harvey

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Re: Health Nuts
2/11/2008 8:57:04 PM
 - A Woman's Heart

Amazing new research was published in the October 2007 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine. This new study shows that women who eat a healthy diet, drink moderate amounts of alcohol, are physically active, maintain a healthy weight and do not smoke have a significantly reduced risk of heart attack - a reduced risk of up to 92 percent!

Dr. Agneta Akesson, Ph.D., M.P.H., of the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, and colleagues identified dietary patterns in 24,444 postmenopausal women by analyzing food frequency questionnaires, on which the women supplied information about how often they ate 96 common foods.

The low-risk lifestyle, characterized by a high intake of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, fish and legumes, in combination with moderate alcohol consumption, not smoking, maintaining the proper weight and being physically active was associated with 92 percent decreased risk compared with findings in women without any low-risk diet and lifestyle factors.

Several components of fruits, vegetables and whole grains  such as fiber, antioxidant vitamins and minerals, have been associated with a reduced risk for coronary heart disease, the researchers note. In addition, previous studies have found beneficial effects of small amounts of alcohol in preventing the buildup of plaque in the arteries, which could help prevent heart attacks. "The combined benefit of diet, lifestyle, and healthy body weight may prevent more than three of four cases of heart attack in our study population," Dr. Akesson and colleagues report.

Wholefood Farmacy foods make it easy and convenient for you to enjoy the benefits of a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and dietary fiber.  How many servings of fruits and veggies have you, your family and your children had today?

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