
Sam Marcotte

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The LHN Pro Builder marketing system will
2/6/2008 8:44:23 PM

The LHN Pro Builder marketing system will
give you a huge advantage when you join
Liberty Health Net International

The LHN Pro Builder automated downline building system encourages teamwork.

Furthermore, a powerful Internet-based system does all the marketing work for your prospects automatically and provides an easily replicated marketing and lead building strategy. There is no limit to how big your Liberty Health Net International business can grow.

Sometimes it's tough to sort out all the details related to the subject of internet systems, but I'm positive you'll have no trouble making sense of the information presented by just taking the Free Tour Here

Downline clubs and downline building systems come and go but I promise you that you have never seen such a automated system like this in your life.

LHN Pro Builder is a complete business building system for Liberty Health Net International, a home income business that can be started for $30.

LHN Pro Builder is
not affiliated with the Liberty Health Net corporate in any way, shape or form but it is well known by Liberty Health Net and by many representatives of the company itself.

Here's just a few advantages that they offer:

Able to get started for $30.00, $50.00 or $100.00... whichever fits your budget best!

Just 340 members spending only $50.00 earns you an honest, incredible $5600+ a month!

5% Level 1, 10% Level 2, 10% Level 3, 40% Level 4, 10% Level 5... TRUE 75% PAYOUT!

Forced 4x5 Matrix places paying members under everyone.

Free Leads (Where do you get free leads from your company).

I paid $30 for my last program then I had to buy the leads after that.

They provide you with some of the best Business Opportunity Leads in the industry and a proven 60 second system to working the leads.

How Many Leads Can You Receive?

Purchase $30 in Liberty Health Net products and receive 300 leads exclusive to you.

Purchase $50 in Liberty Health Net products and receive 750 leads exclusive to you.

Purchase $100 in Liberty Health Net products and receive 2000 leads exclusive to you.
(Once these leads are given to you they are never given to anyone else again, period. If your lucky enough to find any other company giving out free leads, they give the same exact leads to many other reps making it that much harder for you.)

Free Lead Rotator System

When you join the LHN Pro Builder Team with a $50.00 order or higher, they will advertise your web site for you until you have two personal referrals. As your new members join, they will do the same thing for them. This is not required but it will help build your business faster.

The LHN Pro Builder owners and team leaders are some of the best recruiters in the industry.

Instead of them personally referring hundreds of members each, they will instead direct some of their marketing to the Team Lead Rotator.

Generating personal enrollments for all team members.

All they ask is that you place a $50.00 order with Liberty Health Net.

No other hoops or tricks

Free Autoresponder System

The autoresponder sends out automated email messages to all your prospects spread out over a 30 day period on your behalf saving you lot's of time and money since it's free.

Training & Mentoring

When you become part of the LHN Pro Builder Team you'll have access to some of the best training and personal mentoring found anywhere in the industry.

And they don't mean training on where to buy a bunch of junk e-books, it's really very good stuff.

You get access to step-by-step business building activities that actually work!

You also get a Team Forum that gives you access to all the LHN Pro Builder team leaders for personalized mentoring, ask questions, special tools, tips and much more.

A clear cut advantage when joining Liberty Health Net International and this Marketing System gets a "BIG THUMBS UP" !

You can become a distributor of Liberty Health Net International for as low as $30 but as stated above, when joining for $50 or $100 many other bonuses are added, which makes this a no brainier.

The LHN Pro Builder and Liberty Health Net International was created for those who have never earned more than $5,000 a month in any referral marketing home income business before! And it's truly a concept whose time has come, and it's about time!

You can go here to see the LHN Pro Builder home based business system in action.


++ Sam (samiam) Marcotte CMU7 IT Tech
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