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Now let's talk Online Marketing.
I realized 2 1/2 years ago that the coupling of the Internet - and Multi-Level Marketing - was a "match made in Heaven". They solve each others problems.
The biggest problem "Old School" MLM (Amway, Herbalife, etc.) had was that most people aren't "salespeople" - and more importantly -
they don't want to be. The Internet solves this problem by taking "salesmanship" out of the picture. Your website is your "salesman".
And you don't have to sell anything to your friends or relatives. Millions of people everyday go to the Internet looking for ways to make money from home.
The Internet has it's own problem. There are currently about
6 BILLION websites on the Web - and it's growing everyday. How do you get people to go to
your website - and then to become
loyal customers?
Simple - by giving them a "vested interest" in helping you grow your business - via an "Online MLM" compensation program. Your business becomes -
their business!!!
I would
strongly encourage you to take the time to watch the movie - "Use Leverage to Create Wealth At Home". It is the
single most important investment you could make in your future.
This 25-minute animation explains how
LEVERAGE is the key to true wealth.
It features Dr Charles King -
Doctorate in Business Administration - Harvard University - Professor of Marketing - and co-author of the book "The New Professionals".
Go to:
http://wealthleveragemovie.com ______________________________________________________
OK - so what would the perfect "Online MLM" program look like?
The Internet is just getting really big - and "home business" and "work from home" are two of the most popular keyword search subjects.
In fact - home business has become a
$426 BILLION dollar a year industry Worldwide!!!
* How about a program that caters to the needs of all these new online entrepreneurs.
* It could be a program that keeps most of the money generated -
83% - circulating within the membership.
* The "product" could be the "marketing tools" to promote the program itself!!! It would be "self-perpetuating".
The program I'm describing is
I have spent the last 2 1/2 years studying every online business opportunity on the Internet - and have come to believe that TrafficWave is by far the best online home business you could choose.
TrafficWave, LLC is located in
Spring, Texas and was founded in 2000 by Brian Rooney and Stephen Hambright. To date - TrafficWave has paid out over
$770,000. in commissions to it's affiliates.
TrafficWave is a package of online marketing tools built around State-of-the-Art Autoresponder Technology. I call it the "Perpetual Money Machine" because the "product" we sell is the marketing tools we in turn use to promote the program itself.
The TrafficWave Marketing System can be used to promote almost any product or service on the Internet.
This marketing program consists of:
1) Pre-packaged "Lead Capture" Pages.
2) Ad Tracking Technology.
3) Contact List Management & Broadcasting.
4) Unlimited AutoResponder Technology.
5) Pre-written Sales Letters to help you recruit new TrafficWave affiliates.
6) A FFA Lead Capture System - that will provide you with as many as 5000 Free Leads a Month!!!
7) And finally the absolute best MLM Affiliate Compensation Program I have ever seen.
For just
$17.95 per month you can launch powerful email marketing campaigns and take your organization to the next level in efficiency.
TrafficWave will even give you a
30 DAY FREE TRIAL to try the system out!!!
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